After numerous family members and friends reassuring me, I took the first step by enrolling myself in the program to obtain my high school diploma. After successfully completing that task, I started to imagine and liked the idea of me actually receiving a college degree. I also wanted to show my boys that you are never too old to go back to school, as well as the importance of continuing on to that higher education. Forntuately, I do not have that much of a busy schedule to take college courses, I work a part-time job and both our kids are in school, which alleviates the stress of finding child care. My best time to study is during the late afternoon or early evenings, I seem to concentrate better during those times. The majority of my classes are online, which helps me with my time management, so I can go to class at any time compared to having to go to a class room. This is a big plus since being a military spouse can at times be very demanding and hectic at times. I realize that at times it can be hard to focus on a subject, but I am very motivated to obtain a college …show more content…
When it comes to questions or concerns, I know I can either call or e-mail my mentors, professors, or classmates. I also know someone in my family might be able to help me when I don 't understand something. It takes a lot of self discipline to stay with the assigned tasks and to juggle daily routines. I feel that I could be classified as an Intentional Learner. An intentional Learner is often described as someone that brings experience from their life experiences into their studies. They are often more focused on the outcome than a High School graduate, that is either forced to go to college by the parents or doesn 't want to enter the working world just yet. Intentional Learners are more willing to put much more effort into their studies, are critical thinkers, have set much more clearer goal towards the degree and self-aware of how the study is going to help them in the end. They have the greater abilities to connect the theory with the practice, know how use their skills efficient to combine the learning part with the already knowing life