When the audience is first introduced to Marty, he is pulling up late to Dana’s house smoking out of a bong. This was no ordinary bong however, it actually transformed into a coffee mug, so he could take it wherever, this gives the audience the impression that he is “The Fool” or The Stoner. In almost every scene of the movie he is either smoking, preparing to smoke, or high. However, throughout the movie, he was the only character with a logical perception of what was really going on. Every decision and whim he made about what was really happening was right. When the teenagers first discover the basement, Dana found an old journal written by a young girl a long time ago. She sees a Latin phrase and starts to recite it out loud, which causes the Buckner family to b. e summoned from the death and attack the cabin. When Dana begins to recite the phrase Marty interrupts her saying “Ok, I 'm drawing a line in the fucking sand here. Do not read the Latin!”(Marty Cabin in the Woods) He states this because he had a bad feeling about what would happen afterwards and he was right. The Chemistry department attempted to lace his weed for the trip, but he had a hidden stash that they were unable to tamper with, which made the chemical effects of the household not work on him. Marty was the one who found the hidden camera in his room after they split up and also later found the elevators that lead to the headquarters where the scientist plotted each move. Because of his good and accurate sense of the situations and his ability to survive the attacks, Marty fills the archetype of “The Virgin”. This was hinted at, in the film when Jules was dancing around him seductively in the cabin. She gets on her knees in front of him and makes a comment on how they used to be a “thing”. Jules, being “The Whore” would have probably been easy to sleep with but Marty reminds her that they only made out once. Also Marty was one of the
When the audience is first introduced to Marty, he is pulling up late to Dana’s house smoking out of a bong. This was no ordinary bong however, it actually transformed into a coffee mug, so he could take it wherever, this gives the audience the impression that he is “The Fool” or The Stoner. In almost every scene of the movie he is either smoking, preparing to smoke, or high. However, throughout the movie, he was the only character with a logical perception of what was really going on. Every decision and whim he made about what was really happening was right. When the teenagers first discover the basement, Dana found an old journal written by a young girl a long time ago. She sees a Latin phrase and starts to recite it out loud, which causes the Buckner family to b. e summoned from the death and attack the cabin. When Dana begins to recite the phrase Marty interrupts her saying “Ok, I 'm drawing a line in the fucking sand here. Do not read the Latin!”(Marty Cabin in the Woods) He states this because he had a bad feeling about what would happen afterwards and he was right. The Chemistry department attempted to lace his weed for the trip, but he had a hidden stash that they were unable to tamper with, which made the chemical effects of the household not work on him. Marty was the one who found the hidden camera in his room after they split up and also later found the elevators that lead to the headquarters where the scientist plotted each move. Because of his good and accurate sense of the situations and his ability to survive the attacks, Marty fills the archetype of “The Virgin”. This was hinted at, in the film when Jules was dancing around him seductively in the cabin. She gets on her knees in front of him and makes a comment on how they used to be a “thing”. Jules, being “The Whore” would have probably been easy to sleep with but Marty reminds her that they only made out once. Also Marty was one of the