Dick Rowland: The Man Who Tried To Rape

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The man who supposedly tried to rape the white woman was Dick Rowland. Rowland was accused of attempt of rape while in an elevator. Both blacks and whites actually said that Rowland wasn’t the type of man to rape anyone. (“What happened to Black Wall Street on June 1, 1921?,” 2) One source actually says that Rowland had accidently stepped on her foot, which caused her to scream. The next day, some whites planned to lynch Rowland. There was even an editorial (now lost) that said, "To Lynch Negro Tonight.” (Ellsworth, 2) Sadly this happened everywhere in America, although whites went through lynching too, whites were lynched mostly in the west. In the South, all blacks were lynched often for reasons other than justice. There were many newspaper …show more content…
Decades after the bombing ended, the annual Wall Street Memorial March was established. It is to remember the lives lost during the bombing and those who fought against the white racists or KKK to defend their community. During the march, African drumming can be heard. It was recommended by supporters of the riot victims that the bodies be given a proper burial. (Shalamath, 3) Also, due to the 1921 “Tulsa Race Riot Reconciliation Act,” descendants of the victims of the bombing were offered over 300 scholarships. There is also a documentary on Black Wall Street called “Before They Die!” This documentary includes stories about survivors and their journey to have the Black Wall Street bombing recognized. (“What happened to Black Wall Street on June 1, 1921?,” 3) Today, there is still no recognition for Black Wall Street though they are working hard for it. Most people don’t know about its memorial or …show more content…
The riot was a significant and horrendous part of American History that is important for all races to know about and should not be ignored. Before the bombing, blacks were doing well, and welcomed everyone. Even whites were welcomed at their businesses. They were what the rest of the black communities in the U.S hoped to be someday. Though the blacks committed no terrible crimes, they were still discriminated against. They lost everything because of jealousy and racism. They had nowhere to go and were even captured and killed. That still did not stop them though. They decided to rebuild. When they ran into obstacles when it came to rebuilding, they did let the obstacles deter them. My Great Uncle recovered well from his tragedy though he was never the same. He lost his whole family and was still able to establish a new one. Even to this day, people who know about this event, commemorate the bravery of the Tulsa victims every year. Blacks are still fighting for the Tulsa race riot to be recognized and for the justice of the riot’s victims. My Aunt Cissy wanted me to add her exact words, “We are not 3/5 human. We are right smart as anyone else. We have brains. We can do great things. We are not monsters and never have been. We are not lazy and any other thing negative folks like to say about us.” (Jones) To this day the Tulsa Race

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