According to Lydia Saad three in four Americans would vote for Congress members to have limits on the amount of terms they can serve. noteDespite the information previously stated citizens of the United States have still neglected to put the concept of Congressional term limits at the federal level into effect, perhaps they have not yet realized the specific benefits that limits on terms in Congress would have on American politics. The issue of Congressional term limits is not rearing its head for the first time. In the 1990’s several states passed legislation to limit the terms of their state Congressmen. Fifteen states have approved of these limits and voted to make Congressional term limits part …show more content…
The turnover of politicians in Congress will be greatly increased by adding term limits because Congressmen will not be allowed to stay in office for an extensive period of time. With term limits enacted recurring politicians would not deplete the political system as they do now with their lack of ideas, instead aspiring Congressmen would be welcomed to candidacy by kicking out the old ones and opening the doors of opportunity for countless new candidates who will be competing for the same position. Voters could not base their opinions of the candidates based on past terms that they have served, therefore the candidates must work harder to earn votes, thus creating a very competitive environment for the election, even more than usual. Competition is good to have in elections because it makes the candidates more passionate about persuading the public to vote for them, meaning they will appeal to the public’s apparent needs at the time in order to win them over. Competitive elections often attract more voters than usual because they want to influence the outcome of the election to be in favor of their own beliefs. (Beinhart, 2002) With more voters involved, Congressmen would be elected by the amount of service they offer to the citizens of America. Term limits would allow people to more accurately choose the Congressmen that would represent them the best by judging them based on their policies, not their past terms. The competitiveness of elections caused by term limits would get voters more involved in politics and help them to choose the best