One of the reasons that selecting George Washington as the leader of the Continental Army was a significant decision was because, he had experience as a leader before and it was the creation of the Continental Army. The Second Continental Congress was wanting to gain independence from Britain and they saw that George Washington could help and accomplish that. George Washington led the fight against Britain for eight years to help the colonies declare independence with the help of an alliance with France (Goldfield, pg. 111-114). …show more content…
King George the third unknowingly pushed more people who were on the fence to support the fight toward independence. After a year of trying to get the people on board to gain their independence, many Americans accepted the idea and thought it was necessary. It was not until after Thomas Paine’s book, “Common Sense,” came out, that the American people finally gained their independence (Goldfield, pg. 115).
The significance of the Battle of Saratoga was being the turning point of the Revolutionary War. It secured French alliance for America to outlast the war against the British with monetary and military support. Without the help of the French, America was outmanned and weaker. Through French support, the British surrendered on October 17, 1777. After America won the Battle of Saratoga, France saw a great future for America. (Goldfield, pg. 120-122).
The America people fought long and hard to gain their independence and it finally happened. It just goes to show, that perseverance and pride can can help fuel and fulfill a