There is a clear impression of movement which is portrayed through several different postures by the apostles. Ultimately the apostles movement direct the viewers attention to Jesus as they are creating emotion in this piece from apostles weeping to overwhelming happiness. The movement of the apostles gives a mix interpretation of how they felt about the Ascension of Christ. A sense of joy and gratitude as they see their leader levitate from earth, the sheer variety in their stance and varying gestures allows the viewer to interpret their emotions towards how the apostles felt of the Ascension. Moment is also a key factor in how Christ is positioned, the clouds around him create a sense of encirclement as they sweep around him almost pulling him up to heaven. Christ himself is in a unique position as he elegantly poses as he rises up. The angel in the bottom right of the fulcrum is also pointing up to jesus, adding to the idea of how all the analytic techniques Copley uses lead to Christ as the centre piece. The movement of the painting is constructed around Christ in order to further his importance between himself and the
There is a clear impression of movement which is portrayed through several different postures by the apostles. Ultimately the apostles movement direct the viewers attention to Jesus as they are creating emotion in this piece from apostles weeping to overwhelming happiness. The movement of the apostles gives a mix interpretation of how they felt about the Ascension of Christ. A sense of joy and gratitude as they see their leader levitate from earth, the sheer variety in their stance and varying gestures allows the viewer to interpret their emotions towards how the apostles felt of the Ascension. Moment is also a key factor in how Christ is positioned, the clouds around him create a sense of encirclement as they sweep around him almost pulling him up to heaven. Christ himself is in a unique position as he elegantly poses as he rises up. The angel in the bottom right of the fulcrum is also pointing up to jesus, adding to the idea of how all the analytic techniques Copley uses lead to Christ as the centre piece. The movement of the painting is constructed around Christ in order to further his importance between himself and the