He places the figures right up on the picture plane very close to the viewer; this allows the viewer to see the intimate moment between the female saint and the Christ Child. There clearly is a sense of three-dimensional space. The recession into depth is deep; mountains seem to be very off in the distance from where the storm is approaching. The figures in the space are given volume and occupy much of the canvas. Along with space, Tiziano Vecellio uses color to create such a compelling work of art. The rich use of color on the figures draws attention to the scene that is taking place. In addition, the highly saturated colors of the garments contrast the dark blues and greens of the background. The white blanket where the Christ Child lays is the center of the painting and draws attention with its cleanliness and brightness. The dark color of the sky indicate a storm is approaching. In addition, light and dark play an important role in The Madonna and Child with a Female Saint and the Infant Saint John the Baptist. There seems to be a light source coming from the outside of the painting that shines on the figures especially on the Madonna and the back of the female saint that comes from the left side of the work of art. This light creates a shadow in the middle ground from the bushes. It seems very much like a spotlight on the figures. However in the
He places the figures right up on the picture plane very close to the viewer; this allows the viewer to see the intimate moment between the female saint and the Christ Child. There clearly is a sense of three-dimensional space. The recession into depth is deep; mountains seem to be very off in the distance from where the storm is approaching. The figures in the space are given volume and occupy much of the canvas. Along with space, Tiziano Vecellio uses color to create such a compelling work of art. The rich use of color on the figures draws attention to the scene that is taking place. In addition, the highly saturated colors of the garments contrast the dark blues and greens of the background. The white blanket where the Christ Child lays is the center of the painting and draws attention with its cleanliness and brightness. The dark color of the sky indicate a storm is approaching. In addition, light and dark play an important role in The Madonna and Child with a Female Saint and the Infant Saint John the Baptist. There seems to be a light source coming from the outside of the painting that shines on the figures especially on the Madonna and the back of the female saint that comes from the left side of the work of art. This light creates a shadow in the middle ground from the bushes. It seems very much like a spotlight on the figures. However in the