The Air I Breathe Essay

Improved Essays
“The Air I Breathe” by Louie Giglio is a great book explaining biblical worship, its scriptural foundations, and its further implications in life. Right from chapter 1, he begins with stating that everyone, not just Christians or even the religious are worshipers, but instead it is everyone that worships. With all that we are in every moment, we are worshiping, and with this understanding he explores various topics pertaining to worship. Today I will provide a discussion and analysis on a few of these. As I mentioned before, one of the first statements that Giglio makes is that we are all worshiping at all times. Whether we are cognizant or intentional about it, everyone is worshiping something, and I completely agree with this. Whether it’s someone who has never walked into a church, someone who strictly works a 9-5p each day, or someone of high “religious status”, it is easy and quite common to forget this important aspect of our lives. Specifically for Christians who attend church, it is easy to go to church once a week for an hour and worship God there, …show more content…
At first, it’s near impossible to pick up a guitar and begin shredding like Jon Nelson. Instead, it’s the step by step process and grind of working to know the fretboard more and more. It’s proven that 30 minutes of practice a day is more beneficial than 7 hours in one day. Why then do I sometimes try metaphorically “climbing mount God” by believing I can know all there is to know about Him in one setting? Again, the answer is to do this step by step. The constant art of spending time with God, whether that’s journaling 10 minutes a day or praying on the way to work each morning, will slowly but surely reveal more of His heart to us and we seek it. The author simplifies this down to three essentials; making it “personal. Intimate. Honest.” (109). May I continue to give control of my everything to the Holy Spirit day in and day out by embracing the

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