If you Give a Mouse a Cookie is a children 's book and it focuses heavily on morals that are to be taught to a child. The main theme of this book is how a mouse doesn’t stop taking things …show more content…
This novel helps to teach about the truth that lies in war, whether or not one has experienced it firsthand themselves. This novel depicts the truth of awareness of mortality. According to O’Brien, telling stories is important because they join the past with the future and they last forever, even when someone forgets it, it’s still there. He uses the metaphor, “stories are for eternity, when memory is erased, when there is nothing to remember except the story” (O’Brien, 38). This states how a story is still there despite the fact that the person who told it is not. This quote could also be carried onto other aspects of life aside from war, thus making it a novel that can be read by anyone and it could still teach valuable lessons. One of which is an awareness of mortality that soldiers face, that the average person might not know because of the glorification of war. This is seen when Tim O’Brien the character is aware of the fact that there is a possibility he could die in combat, however he knows that his memories will not go with him. O’Brien used a style typical of postmodernism, by creating somewhat of a paradox and changing the reader 's understanding of what is true to represent awareness of mortality. This novel should be taught until the year 2075 because it shows society through the eyes of a solider. This is of importance because not many people understand what it means to be a soldier and the difficulties they face, therefore having this novel taught creates an appreciation and understanding of their