In the book The Things They Carried boys were drafted to fight a war in new place,new atmosphere ,a different type of terrain and weather.This is new to everyone who is fighting this platoon were consisted mostly young men and few experienced men.Some of these boys are carrying things that reminds them of home or as something that keeps them fighting. Throughout the book it shows us how theses young men fighting in war changes them after how they evolve to “Adults”. How realized their not a little kid anymore their fighting in a war is either do or die situation and be on the look out 24/7. Throughout the book it shows us how boys turn into men.
Tim O’Brien is both the narrator and a character of The …show more content…
After Kiowa death the platoon decide to find his body maybe dig it out. Jim leading the way. When they were searching for Kiowa 's body gets underway on the cold wet morning. Azar begins cracking jokes about Kiowa “ eating shit and biting the dirt” and Bowker showed him his place. They found Kiowa body wedged between a layer of mud with the help of few of the men they got him out. Azar stops joking around and stares at the body as it was coming up. Kiow body rises with blue green mud.They cleaned him up, Azar apologized for the jokes.Azar apologies to Norman Bowker for the jokes. He tells Bowker that he feels that, by telling the jokes, he 's responsible for Kiowa 's death. Bowker says that it 's nobody 's fault, and everybody 's. Everyone has weakness and shows them their real self . From a boy to a Man . Azar turns to man as he saw a close person in groups died instead making fun of the situation stays mourns. And respecting Kiowa death in nice manner way.
As of all these boys have experienced way too many things the struggles the key to of survival during a war. The non-experienced and the innocent. Throughout the book the boys goes through a process of being a boy to a man. Dealing with fast reacting situations like between life and death. Showing how to deal with the situations like Adults. Being a Person going that goes through these situations has to be certian state of mind to cope with these situations.Show hows these boys has done