Kiowa In Tim O 'Brien's The Things They Carried'

Improved Essays
Emily Ousley
Intro to Literature
Brenda Lewis
February 27, 2016
The Things Kiowa Carried

It is fascinating how much one can learn about a person through their belongings or the things they carry. Without ever knowing or speaking to a person one can learn so much about them – their hobbies, occupation, beliefs and more – based solely on their possessions. This is the case of Kiowa in Tim O’Brien’s short story The Things They Carried. O’Brien doesn’t tell readers a lot about the things Kiowa carries with him in the Vietnam War, but what he does tell is very revealing. His identity, along with his platoon members, can be connected to his belongings permitting the reader to know and understand him better as a person, not just a foot soldier.
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His repetitive account of Lavender's death shows how death, especially in the act of war, is harsh, swift and meaningless, similar to a rock falling off a cliff. Tim O’Brien writes that Kiowa desired to feel something about Lavender’s death – anger, sadness, anything – but the emotion was nonexistent. He seems to be the most affected out of the platoon by the death but yet he is unable to properly convey his emotion about it. Over and over describes how rapidly Lavender's body fell. He wishes he could share the pain and grief of Lieutenant Jimmy Cross but he is unable to feel those emotions towards the death of Ted Lavender. Kiowa respects Cross’s ability to grieve for Lavender. Even after Kiowa stops talking about the death to his platoon, he struggles with knowing what to think or feel. “Mostly he felt pleased to be alive.” (Tim O’Brien pg 18) Kiowa is overwhelmed by surprise and utter shock of Lavender’s death. This type of reaction, although emotionless, shows that Kiowa fears death and is grateful for …show more content…
He is a devout Baptist and finds comfort in his Bible as he uses it as pillow at night. He carries his hatchet as a reminder of his Indian ancestry. His reaction to the death of Ted Lavender reveals a lot about his emotional character, how he struggles with grieving and feeling emotion but is still influenced, surprised and shocked.
Tim O’Brien’s ability to characterize through items that are carried and reactions to events is amazing. He demonstrates this especially well with the character of Kiowa. A reader is able to focus in on one character and follow him on his journey in war and learn about physical, emotional and psychological burdens that he encounters. Kiowa is just one of many men who have a whole story that can be told about them based on the items in their

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