Theme Of Brotherhood In The Things They Carried

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The Things They Carried is a collection of stories that Tim O’Brien the author of the novel uses to portray his experiences and feelings throughout the Vietnam War. This book conveys the life of the men throughout the war and post war and shares his vivid experiences as if you were almost there. O’Brien not only tells the cruel part of his experiences but the love and sacrifice that bonded the soldiers to form a sense of brotherhood. In the Book The Thing They Carried, O’Brien conveys bonds soldiers created for emotional support and shows soldiers struggles post war to form other connections to convey the importance of brotherhood. Brotherhood is necessary to help soldiers deal with the hardships of the war which is shown as the overall truth in the novel. …show more content…
Brotherhood is the sacrifices and selfness that bonds soldiers together to be able to lead each other through the horrible experiences of the war. Brotherhood is not easily described as a thing but as a feeling or action. Overall war is a terrifying place but to have amazing people care about you more than themselves makes it a bit more bearable. Imagine everything your family does for you and how close if your lucky of a trusted bond you have, imagine that all being taken away. Brotherhood is a family and if you don't have family then you have nothing. Stated from a fellow soldier, “When I go home, people ask me, ‘Why do you do it? You some kind of war junkie?’ I won’t say a word. Why? They won’t understand. They won’t understand why we do it. They won’t understand it’s about the men next to you… and that’s it. That’s all itis “

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