Brotherhood is the sacrifices and selfness that bonds soldiers together to be able to lead each other through the horrible experiences of the war. Brotherhood is not easily described as a thing but as a feeling or action. Overall war is a terrifying place but to have amazing people care about you more than themselves makes it a bit more bearable. Imagine everything your family does for you and how close if your lucky of a trusted bond you have, imagine that all being taken away. Brotherhood is a family and if you don't have family then you have nothing. Stated from a fellow soldier, “When I go home, people ask me, ‘Why do you do it? You some kind of war junkie?’ I won’t say a word. Why? They won’t understand. They won’t understand why we do it. They won’t understand it’s about the men next to you… and that’s it. That’s all itis “
Brotherhood is the sacrifices and selfness that bonds soldiers together to be able to lead each other through the horrible experiences of the war. Brotherhood is not easily described as a thing but as a feeling or action. Overall war is a terrifying place but to have amazing people care about you more than themselves makes it a bit more bearable. Imagine everything your family does for you and how close if your lucky of a trusted bond you have, imagine that all being taken away. Brotherhood is a family and if you don't have family then you have nothing. Stated from a fellow soldier, “When I go home, people ask me, ‘Why do you do it? You some kind of war junkie?’ I won’t say a word. Why? They won’t understand. They won’t understand why we do it. They won’t understand it’s about the men next to you… and that’s it. That’s all itis “