The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian Summary

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The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian written by Sherman Alexie is a story about a teenage boy named Junior who is on a journey to figure out his true identity. The events that occur throughout the story describes the difficult experiences that junior faces in order to figure out where he fits in. As a teenager growing up Indian on the rez,Junior is constantly reminded of his misfortunes. He is desperate to make something of himself which leads him to realize that he is more than a hopeless Indian.Throughout The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian,Junior embarks on a journey of self discovery where he goes through many experiences and struggle to eventually learn and
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For example, with Junior’s parents, his mother wanted to be a community college teacher and the father a sax player but both did not achieve their goals because of society’s low expectations on them. They could’ve been big and famous and not be poor. His mother and father knew if you’re born on the rez, you stay on the rez and that’s what Junior thought. In addition to Juniors parents not accomplishing their dreams, Junior got a poor education and outdated materials and he was upset but because he has not given up his hope yet. Junior still had hope in himself, he just didn’t know. The author, Sherman Alexie, shows that Junior questions himself worth as an Indian because he says, “And then you start believing that you’re stupid and ugly because you’re Indian.And because you’re Indian you start believing you’re destined to be poor. It’s an ugly circle and there’s nothing you can do about …show more content…
He transferred to Reardan High school to find his true identity and his hope.Junior scared of the big jocks at Reardan. They called him racist names like Chief, Squaw boy, Red-skin,etc, but Junior knew this would happen to him. Junior was confused why they never threw the punch at him.They hated Junior because he was a Indian on the rez and called him names because they hated him so why not punch him? But Junior had enough with name calling and so one day Junior threw the punch to one of the big jocks Roger. But after the big punch Junior all of a sudden started to get more respect from them and then as more time went on Junior became cool and popular.Junior even tried out for Reardans basketball team and actually made it to the varsity team. He played basketball to show his hope that he still had towards Wellpinit and himself.The author, Sherman Alexie, shows that Junior still has hope in himself and trying to keep that hope while still struggling with his identity by saying, “I had to add my hope to somebody else’s hope.I had to multiply hope by hope”(93). Junior went through many tough experiences at Reardan and Wellpinit. Even through these experiences, Junior never lost hope because he had friends and family supporting him.He knew he had to keep on adding and multiplying that hope he

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