“I was going to be his weapon of mass destruction” (Alexie 142). Junior liked basketball because he was never really good at anything else. “I am a warrior!” (Alexie 141). Junior found a passion for basketball. It was a safe place for Junior to deal with his emotions while finding success and escaping from the people who made fun of him. Junior allowed himself to express emotions, like revenge, on the court. “Yep, I wanted to embarrass my best friend.” (Alexie 183). Junior got good at basketball and with that he gained confidence. Junior's confidence soared while playing basketball at Rearden, leading to him feeling empowered. When Rowdy says “You’ve never beaten me one-on-one” Junior responds with, “Yeah that’s going to change.” (Alexie 228). Junior didn’t think he was good enough for junior varsity. Junior’s morale exploded when he knew he would make varsity, and possibly be a starter for Reardan. “I became a freshman starter on a varsity basketball team.” (Alexie 179). This new drive and determination pushed Junior to work harder to win. “I never wanted anything more in my life,” she said. Alexie 186. As Junior's confidence grew, he got better at …show more content…
Playing basketball made Junior feel deeper and more connected to his Native American heritage. It was common for other Spokanes to not go to college and stay on the reservation. “Nobody in my family had ever gone to college.” “Reardan was the opposite of the rez.” (Alexie 45). Junior senses an increased association with his Native American culture because of basketball. Basketball allowed Junior to be recognized by his community for his talent and skills on the court. “In fact, my white fans were going to cheer for me like I was some kind of crusading warrior” (Alexie 145). His Native American community also recognized Junior’s courage and drive for something better. “I wept because I was the only one who was brave and crazy enough to leave the rez.” "The Indians around here are going to be angry with you." Alexie 173, 38. The other Native Americans accepted Junior as the only one who dared to leave. They recognized him and later received him. Basketball helps Juniors to create lasting friendships with people. “We are basketball twins.” (Alexie 183). Basketball allows Juniors to strengthen