Pockell, Leslie. The 100 Best Love Poems of All Time. New York: Warner, 2003. Print.
Leslie is not very qualified to write or edit this book. He does describe his knowledge as being "encyclopedic". Leslie wanted to pass on knowledge and that's what makes this book a good one. The work has the potential to be biased. Leslie did put one hundred poems together based on what he thought were the best. Although the poems themselves are not biased the manner of which they were put together is. This book is organized in sections by authors and their love poems. This book would be considered up to date because the poem I am writing on was written in 1813. This poetry book has one hundred love poems in it and also tells what they were …show more content…
It symbolizes a beautiful woman that has many attractive qualities. Although he never got to put a name to the face he was so mesmerized by her beauty he wrote a poem about her.
Research Submission Pockell, Leslie. The 100 Best Love Poems of All Time. New York: Warner, 2003. 16-17. Print.
• Byron wrote this poem as an elaborate compliment. (Pockell, 16)
• He wrote it the morning after meeting a beautiful woman. (Pockell, 17)
McGann, Jerome J. Lord Byron the Major Works. New York: Oxford UP, 1986. 259-264 Print.
• Byron talks about how there is not a joy in the world that could take away the thought of the beautiful woman. (McGann, 259)
• He compares her to a lot of beautiful, but dark things. ex. the night, and starry skies. (McGann, 260)
• Byron tells that her face is pure. (McGann, 261)
• This woman is beautiful, pure, and innocent. (McGann, 261)
• Walking in beauty makes her seem more dynamic. It is not just her face that makes her pretty, it is her entire being. (McGann, 261)
• She is compared to a type of night that has no clouds. This infers that she has a nice complexion. (McGann,