With each round of the seasonal carousel comes the holidays, which come and go like old friends. They bring memories of past, and promise of new traditions to come. Whether it is winter the incandescent branches of pine are adorned in glittering glass.. Easter, when children scatter in search of painted eggs. Halloween, where children come knocking late in the evening, or thanksgiving-- thankfully eating until you almost yack.…
Traditions that should be saved for future generations should be Christmas, Rosca de los Reyes, and the day of the dead, because some would teach how to share and others how to give and have fun with the family/ socialize with their future relatives. Christmas would be one because it could teach the kids of the next generation how to give. The children will be taught how to give the people in need, it would also be good to be grateful for what they’ve received, and how to share their gifts with their family and friends it can also impact the rest of the world by doing gift exchanges and etc. Rosca de los Reyes would be another one because it could show them how to socialize with relatives and cook for the family. They’ll not be as bored…
Do you ever think how you use your senses on Thanksgiving day? On the day of Thanksgiving you pretty much use all of your senses. In this essay I will explain how I use my five senses on the day of Thanksgiving. Have you ever watched your parents, aunts/ uncles, or even your grandparents prepare the food? When it’s around Thanksgiving time I help my mom prepare a lot of food.…
A tradition is the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way. My most favorite tradition is making tamales during Christmas eve. My relatives are always busy and we never have fun because they are either far away or just to busy. Making tamales is a way for my family and relatives to get together and have fun. Every single one of us gets a task that is not to hard and not to easy.…
A rite of passage shows a sign of adulthood and every culture does it differently. Aurora rite of passage was mainly a graduation party because we did have a quinceanera for her fifteenth birthday, but the graduation was more of a push or…
Thanksgiving, a holiday deeply rooted in American culture, is celebrated in accordance with the applicable tradition and rituals. Closely related to the tradition of first immigrants, Thanksgiving does not undergo any fashions and fluctuations. Thanksgiving Turkey has to be big ( 19 lbs) to feed 20 people and to provide much more food than during the regular meal (Friends). Thanksgiving dinner without turkey and typical dishes does not exist, like “4th July with no pie”(Friends). By consuming and celebrating food, people show their appreciation for all they achieved due to their social and national affiliation.…
Diá de Muertos, otherwise known, to you Americans, Day of the Dead. Even though people say it's the same thing as Halloween in America, it's so much different. People are actually honoring their ancestors that have passed away. One of my favorite things about Day of the Dead is the symbol. The symbol for Dia de Muertos is a Mexican Sugar Skull.…
Thanksgiving Myths There are many Thanksgiving myths but I’m here to talk to you about two of them. The first one is “Native Americans wore complicated headdresses.” Well the feathery headdresses you are thinking of are barely worn only on special occasions.…
The rites of passage were ceremonies that marked the transition of an individual from one status to another. It was a significant change of status in society. It was used to describe the adolescent’s transition to adulthood in some societies. The adolescence gained access to sacred practices, responsibilities, knowledge, and sexuality through rites of passages in many primitive cultures (Sommer, 1978). The rites of passage were valued by Native American tribes as a chance to emphasize traditional culture and to educate the youth to face challenges in life.…
Traditions are a custom or beliefs from generation to generation. Sometimes people follow traditions just because everyone is following them- they jump on a bandwagon to fit in with the social norm. Many of the times people grown-up with traditions without knowing why they are celebrating them; they are just programmed to follow them, it some sense they are brainwashed to the tradition. Some traditions don’t have the same the same core value they had back in the day, people just follow it because it give them a better benefit.…
There are no special traditions that my family created, but I created a special tradition. I made sure that every Cambodian, Lao, and Thai New Year, all of my children must get together and celebrate. We must celebrate family and love. Are there any family practices that represent the family’s ethnic, racial or religious background? Please describe and compare how these may have changed from generation to generation.…
Of the many different influential experiences I have had over the past years, the one that stands out to me the most as a true rite of passage was starting my first job as a lifeguard at Nassau Country Club. It taught me lessons like the true meaning of hard work, the the value of a day's pay and most of all, what it means to have someone's life in one's hands. These lessons were given to me through my own experiences, as well as by my boss, Dr. Dan Cavallo D.O, one of the hardest working men I know. It all began, however, with a huge stack of towels. On my first day of work, I was more nervous than I had ever been in my entire life.…
Regarding to the book Lies My Teacher Told me, “The Truth About the First Thanksgiving.” This chapter focus on plaques and the first Thanksgiving. Loewe James focus on the caused of the plaque more than the first Thanksgiving. Because of the plaque was one of the reason that lead to Thanksgiving. I find several interesting things in this chapter.…
Human relationships among the community are significantly pivotal when it comes toward defining who we are. The people that surround us either break us or shape us. In the short stories, The Lottery by Shirley Jackson and What, of This Goldfish, Would You Wish For written by Etgar Keret, the relationship between the community result in actions that define who they are. The Lottery portrays that people often have a hard time changing their ways of celebration or thoughts when they are accustomed and encouraged by close friends or others. The village was relentless to the idea of stopping the tradition of the Lottery or how it was conducted.…
Yoruba Birth and Naming Ceremony A rite of passage is defined as a ceremony and marks the transition from one phase of life to another. It is often used to describe the transition between birth and adulthood. In this essay, the rite of passage that will be explained is from the African tribe Yoruba.…