Texas Academic Performance Reporting

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Texas Education Agency. “Texas Academic Performance Report.” Division of Performance Reporting. Aug. 2013. Web. 30 September 2015. This is a data set, made by the Texas Education Agency that shows various statistics of the academic success of schools in Texas. The Texas Education Agency measures success through graduation and dropout rates.The data set includes statistics for all Texas students in general while also breaking these statistics down into subpopulations at a state level. According to this data, English Language Learner (ELL) students, which are a part of the bilingual education programs in the state of Texas are dropping out at rates of 23 to 30 percent. This data clearly indicates that ELL students are not achieving academic …show more content…
“About ED” Division of Bilingual Education. n.d. Web. 30 September 2015. This website defines the United States Department of Education’s mission as “promoting student achievement.” Additionally, this site explains the Equal Opportunities Education Act of 1974 (EOEA), which details how states will serve students from other nations in an equitable way or manner in Section 1703(f) of the EOEA that states “No state shall deny equal educational opportunity to an individual on account of this race, color, sex or national origin, by … (f) the failure of an educational agency to take appropriate action to overcome language barriers that impede equal participation by its students in its instructional programs” (United States Department of Education). Due to the fact that a national consensus has never been reached on exactly what bilingual education must be defined as, the United States government allowed the states to determine what they would consider bilingual education and to create their own programs and classes as long as they correspond to Section 1703(f) of the EOEA. In compliance with EOEA the state of Texas is required to provide programs and support to ensure the success and equal opportunities for ELL students. This information is credible because it outlines the fundamental law that all states, including Texas, are required to follow when it comes to providing bilingual educational services for all ELL students. …show more content…
Princeton University, (1996): 33-79. Ann Arbor: ProQuest. Web. 3 Oct. 2015. In this dissertation, Lopez evaluates the success of bilingual education from the creation of the EOEA (1974) as a longitudinal study over generations as it applies to ELL students by evaluating their adult labor market achievements. Lopez, in his dissertation, measures success of bilingual education students not necessarily on whether or not they achieved acquisition of the language, but on how their standard of living has increased by moving to the United States. Specifically, Lopez contends that language acquisition at a higher rate should indicate and correlate to higher wages for these first generation ELL students. Conversely, lower acquisition should indicate lower wages among these first generation ELL students. However, Lopez has found these differences to be statistically insignificant. If the goal of the EOEA is to provide equal opportunities, and yet students are making significantly less money as compared to non-ELL students, then ELL education and the money spent on that education is not producing positive results meant to increase the standard of living for those ELL students. Lopez currently serves as the Director of Hispanic Research at the Pew Research Center and annually conducts the Pew’s National Survey for Latinos. In addition to this, Lopez has also published

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