For boyd, social media is a platform …show more content…
And because of a variety of social and cultural factors, social media has become an important public space where teens can gather and socialize broadly with peers in an informal way” (boyd 7). boyd shows that technology is significant because if people cannot be there physically, then they can be there virtually for their friends. Social media helps teen to connect with each other. Despite what boyd states, Turkle disagrees and discusses “All of this makes them fluent with technology but bring a new set of insecurities. They nurture friendships on social-networking sites and then wonder if they are among friends. They are connected all day, but are not sure if they had communicated. They become confused about companionship” (Turkle 17). This portrays Turkle’s point because it reflects that being there virtually is not the same as being there physically, it is a deception to one’s self and forms a false sense of friendships. This demonstrates that with teens connecting online with their friends, they doubt that they are actually their friends or with them. These friendships are an illusion that they are actually there with you …show more content…
Turkle agrees by asserting that teens create another social identity to feel complete while diminishing a part of their inner self. boyd claims “Teens continue to occupy an awkward position between childhood and adulthood, dependence and independence. They’re struggling to carve out an identity that is not defined solely by family ties” (boyd 17). boyd expresses that it is difficult for teens to carve their own identity because of their environment or the influences of their family. Instead, they present themselves on social media. They show what they want to present in front of others, such as them partying and having fun instead of stressing because they want to be perceived as a cool person. Turkle agrees with boyd’s statement about presenting a false identity while losing a part of the inner self. Turkle discusses “But for most people it begins when one creates a profile on a social-networking site or builds a persona or avatar for a game or virtual world. Over time, such performances of identity may feel like identity itself… nothing can become better than something or better than anything” (Turkle 12). Turkle displays a false concept of teen’s identities. People create an identity to comfort themselves, but that can lead to many things, such as, catfish (someone who is not what they claim to be) to deny of one’s true identity