Islam has affected Islamic architecture when it comes to its decoration by the religion prohibiting Muslims from depicting or having sculptures of symbolic religious people such as Prophet Muhammad to refrain them from worshipping an image/sculpture; having their believers focus more on the …show more content…
The artist of these patterns must have had a good knowledge in geometry to be able to produce such patterns.
Islamic geometric patterns vary in shapes and forms, having a circle as their origin. Using the circle as a starting point you are able to derive three shapes, a square, triangle and a hexagon, leading to these shapes, which make up the bases for the complexity in Islamic patterns. Having different complexity levels and design, deriving from such basic shapes such as circles, squares, triangles, polygons and stars.
Islamic geometric patterns through its complexity convey symbolism, showing infinity through their twinning and lacing symbolizing the nature that Allah created. To the followers of Islam arabesque is more than just a pattern; instead it shows their unity in faith.
A triangle which originates from three circles conveys the meaning that “human consciousness and the three basic biological functions: ingestion, digestion and excretion”. While expanding the circle produces a hexagon and a square, “a square often symbolizes earth and its materiality and a hexagon represents