The early Islamic empire expanded by having battles and conquering enemies to be prisoners and were brutal with the enemies but treated the prisoners not so bad. In document A they had a battle of Yarmuk. It was between the Greeks and the Muslims. It was a bloody war. It has a quote that says “cut the arms of those non-Muslims with your sword!”…
The Muslims had many achievements due to the fact that they were much inspired from Greece, Rome and India. They also took up a lot from the people whose lands they took over. Which is why they became so advanced due to their tolerance of other cultures. They advanced to the highest level in several scholarship areas of that time making the Muslim achievements stand out and have a lasting impact on world cultures. How the Muslims got to those achievements they made and how they impacted the world to even this day is what we discovered.…
The islamic civilization expanded through trade, warfare, and religious beliefs. These are some of the main reasons why they grew so big so fast. Trade in islam was very strong and this helped boost the economy. Allot of people part of the islamic civilization were merchants. Merchants would go out and sell their goods between other people or other civilizations.…
Furthermore,Trade was a big impact in spreading Islam around the Globe.…
In 610 Ce, a merchant trader from Mecca made one of his frequent visit to a cave on nearby mount Hira for muhammad it was a time to pray. According to Muhammad , it was on this visit to mt. hira that the archangel gabriel squeezed him hard and caused words to flow from his mouth, the words said that allah was the one god. In 610 mecca was a bustling arabian trade town it was also where arab pagans came to perform rituals at the sacred ka’ba . after receiving allahs word for two years .…
Over the years in Earth’s history, dominating countries have used their power and strength to take over lesser countries with ease. The strong central governments, militaries and navies, politics, knowledge and other factors allowed these dominating countries to turn into empires. One such empire that had all of these qualities in the early 7th century was the muslim empire. The muslim empire was in a period of a golden age in various branches of education and knowledge.…
“Islam: the religion that spread far and wide” The Islamic civilization originated in the Arabian peninsula, and spread quickly to Europe and parts of North Africa. Nearby countries that did not follow Islam were rapidly conquered. While the Islamic civilization spread as an extensive empire using different methods, it did so in a way that violated people’s beliefs. Politics and warfare were used as methods of convincing others to follow the faith. Furthermore, cultural depictions through art and decorations were also used to gain more followers of Islam.…
In Islam they had many different achievements that people came up with, some of them had an enormous impact on the Islam people. The primary sources that we were given tell us some of the achievements, how they happened, and the impact that they had. The second, fourth, sixth, and ninth documents tells and show us some of the achievements that the Islam people had. Primary sources third, fifth, and seventh tell us how they happened. Finally the primary sources one, eight, and ten show and tell us the impact the achievements had on the Islam people.…
Also, Galen provided information on medical theories and practices that would develop and evolve throughout medieval Islam, as stated in the monograph. As one can see, the insight Galen provided impacted the medical world and this primary source could be added to some of the arguments in my…
Mathematics, astronomy, geography, literature, arts, and philosophy are all things we consider to be advanced thought and help us as a society. For these things, we can thank Islam. Islam was and still is a world power. Islam has thoroughly shaped the world as we know it. Its power spread exceedingly quickly however.…
Islam began in the year of 610 when Muhammad received a message from God, soon Islam quickly got even larger over a short period of time. There were lots of reasons to why Islam expanded quicker compared to other religions such as Christianity, Buddhism, or Judaism. Historians believe that the three dominant reasons for Islam expanding so rapidly were that there was weakness and disunity of the old empires and kingdoms, that the muslim military had lots of strength, and finally that the Islamic government was quite skillful and tolerant. However, the main reason for Islam’s rapid expansion, was that the Islamic government was skillful and tolerant. This is the most accurate reason, because by being tolerant the Islamic leaders did not force…
Ghana was the very first west African empire to have trading systems going all throughout Africa. Ghana was the very first in the whole wide world to make and use iron weapons making that invention a gold mine in trading. Speaking of gold mines, Ghana had too many of them! They had so much gold they didn’t know what to do with it. They used it in women’s makeup so it would grab women’s attention in Ghana’s trading system also.…
1. The Indian Ocean Basin Trade routes connected Southeast Asia, India, Arabia, and East Africa. Long distance sea trade moved across a web of routes linking all of those areas as well as East Asia (particularly China). On the other hand, Central Asia was the largest empire in the world history, controlling Tibet, Northern China, and Persia. Also, Islam would flourish in Central Asia/…
The Expansion of Islam Between 630-750 CE, Muslim civilizations spread rapidly throughout the Middle East. These expansions were made through a combination of either military conquest or coercion, and were often done because of material gain. Under Muslim rule, occupied people were often granted respect and freedom. Muslim civilizations gained most of their territory through a combination of conquest and coercion. Tribes opposing the Muslims were given a choice between being subjugated or war with the Muslims, as described in Documents 1 and 2.…
Islamic archaeology is defined by Marcus Millwright as archaeology of “the regions where the ruling elite has professed the faith of Islam” (Milwright 2010: 6-7). This paper seeks to explore the ways in which Islamic archaeology can aid in the understanding of Islam and Muslims in the medieval world, by first examining the requirements of Islam and Muslim customary practices, and then evaluating three sources through which they may be manifest in material remains. Archaeological evidence of Muslim burial customs, religious pilgrimage (hajj), and the urban organization of an Islamic city are all ubiquitously indicative of a Muslim cultural framework established by Prophet Muhammad. Muslims adhere to Islam through requirements comprised within…