However, yet many Americans still remain oblivious of the profound changes taking place at every level of our society, from little local school boards and towns to congress, and even in small-town communities all the way to the vibrant streets of New York City. In her book “A New Religious America”, Diana Eck describes the transformation of America’s religious landscape, and how the implications of this new religious reality continues to have an immense impact on American communities. She explains of the dynamic shift in our society, as Islamic centers now been seen in virtually every major American metropolitan area. And also how Muslims now living in different places around the country such as Salt Lake City, Utah; Toledo, Ohio; and Jackson, Mississippi are gradually making Islam an American religion (Eck). It is impossible to understand religion in America without appreciating or acknowledging the new, and stunning, religious diversity in our society. As Dr. Edwin an author of religious history once said, “For decades many Americans have slowly inched their way toward the realization that their nation is indeed a religiously pluralistic one.” For example, though little is known of the deep Islamic influence in American culture, a number of the words Americans speak, foods Americans eat, buildings Americans …show more content…
Their contributions and involvement over the years have significantly impacted various aspect of American culture. As one of the fastest growing religion in the United States, Islam is gradually turning into an ‘American religion’ rather than a religion that has been view as ‘foreign’ in America. As one of the most diverse nation on earth it is quite difficult to inhibit the formation of a pluralistic society. Since 2011 there have been over 2000 mosques present in the United States, many of which are suited at iconic venues across the country. Additionally, more than 120 American colleges and universities now offer graduate or undergraduate programs or courses in Middle Eastern studies with more than 10,500 students enrolled in Arabic language courses at U.S colleges. The deep Islamic influence in American culture is also prevalent in a number of the words Americans speak, foods Americans eat, buildings Americans design, decorative items Americans create, and traditions Americans treasure all of which can somehow be traced back to a lot of Islamic