Apologetics is simply giving reasons for faith. Or a reasonable argument generally about religion. Apologetics is something that defends the concept of Christianity. Faith occurs when someone believes something that is true, even if he/she suspects it is not true. Christianity constructs truth claims. Like other religions. Faith: it is something that is unwarranted belief.
Session 2: "The Anatomy of Unbelief" by J.P. Moreland
A worldview is a sum total of what you believe about life's more important questions.
What people are confused about Terrorism, is that it's a tactic, definitely not a belief.
There are 3 main Worldviews that are fighting for our hearts and mind.
The 1st is Christianity, one of the major religions that are in U.S.
The 2nd is Scientific Naturalism. It is a view according to which all objects and events are part of nature.
The 3rd is Post-Modern Relativism-an intense affect ability to the part of belief system in starting and keeping up political and financial power.
Religion is not a field of knowledge. You can't know anything in religion or ethics.
There are 3 kinds of knowledge:
1.) Knowledge by direct experience- Generally, signifies experience gained through immediate awareness. 2.) Propositional Knowledge- is the sort of knowledge that is, by its genuine nature, conveyed in decisive sentences or demonstrative suggestions. 3.) Know how or Skill What is truth? The truth is a matching between a thought or a belief of reality. Reflection: As I was listening to the session by J.P. Moreland, I learned a lot of new things that are very fascinating. To say the least, I was one of those people who thought Terrorism was a religion of some sort, but no not all. It is merely a tactic that hurts and kills people that are innocent. I do agree with the fact there are at least 3 main worldviews that are constantly fighting for our hearts and our minds. I didn't even know about the different kinds of concepts of knowledge. So that was a whole different level of learning. Session 3: "Why God allows evil" Summary: Moral evil There is something that God is holding you back from something that isn't beneficial There is no such thing as someone that has never sinned. We all are sinners. Romans 3:20 "Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God's sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law, we become conscious of our sin." We continue to think God will do something, not in our favor. That everything in our lives needs to be better than others or because ‘we deserve it or more.' People don't sin out of self-interest, not moral goodness Humans really aren't good We realize how evil people are or can be. How patient God is and God's judgment. Realizing our worldliness, how bad we want Jesus to return. We finally realize the emotional problem of evil Nobody ever asks, "why bad things happen to bad people) God's plan for all of us is to reign forever and forever Question(s): Why does God allow humans? Does Christianity sound like a fairy tale? --It isn't, it's not even close to it. Ephesians 3:10 "His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms," Reflection: There are things in life that we all encounter that will lead us down the wrong path. …show more content…
The path that God didn't help you go down. When he said that there is something that God is holding you from something that isn't beneficial, had a large impact on me. What I interrupted this to be is the fact that the Lord God Almighty has protected us from the beginning no matter what. Whenever every other person leaves you behind. God is right there for us when no one else was. And I just think that is something that is to be appreciated more. God can show us and make us realize that there are evil people in the world. That God is patient with us even if we resent Him at times. And we should respect God's judgment because we know He is a just God. The question about if Christianity is like a fairy tale, though me off guard. Growing up rainbows and love here and love there,