Worldview In Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone

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“A worldview is the particular bias in our presuppositions that influences how you look at the world and what we see or expect to see” (Drury). This is a quote from Keith Drury, who explains what a worldview is and how it is formed. I will be explaining my personal worldview as a Christian and how I began to see the world as I do now. I will then be explaining a different worldview from a very popular movie called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, the first movie in the Harry Potter series. Since this is the first film of the Harry Potter series, we learn why Harry is the way he is—which is due to his parents being wizards. He learns more about his parents and life as a wizard in a new school, which gets him in dangerous situations. …show more content…
Harry Potter’s parents were wizards, therefore making him one as well. He was raised in a household where there was no magic and he did not know that magic even existed. Later in the movie a man named Hagrid came to get Harry to bring him the a school called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There Harry learns that he is a wizard, and began to learn more about the world of magic. In his worldview, there is no mention of a God, but there is an all-powerful man named Dumbledore who is the headmaster of the school. There is also an evil very powerful man named Voldemort, who killed Harry’s parents and essentially wants all good wizard’s and witches dead. In this world they believe that there is good and bad, unlike my worldview, but the good is able to kill only if they kill a bad guy, while I believe that it is bad to kill anyone no matter what they have done. Harry learned that his parents were good, which made him want to be good as well. Hagrid was the one who told Harry everything there was about his parents, and I believe that this is what made Harry who he is because he wanted to live like his parents did, and eventually wanted to kill the evil man that killed his parents,

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