Lipton attempts to make it so that his solution can appeal to every religion and only mentions Judaism simply because he is Jewish himself. Lipton is a realist. He sees science as something important and crucial to how he lives, …show more content…
His example of this is that “ about God is really just an oblique way of referring to nature”(34). This is an unsatisfactory way of dealing with the problem for it devalues the text for even though the bible is filled with metaphors and analogies it is also very literal. It is supposed to be read as a piece of history. Any attempt at getting rid of the literal narrative would make it worthless and just another story among other books.
His second idea is the value view. It is the idea that “There can be no real tension between science and religion because science is in the fact business and religion is in the value business"(34). Religion and science are so vastly different from each other that there is no comparing the two. They can’t interfere with each other for they are on entirely different planes of life. His final alternative solution is the selection view. He considers that one could possibly weigh both science and religion against each other in a case by case scenario. Whichever seems right at the time is the belief that they will hold to be true. It is a good idea in theory, and “....(It) is epistemically responsible, but in my view it would leave far too many holes in the religious