There are five Apologetic methods, Classical, Evidential, Cumulative Case, Presuppositional methods, and the Reformed Epistemology Approach. [5] Although the apologetic method is a spawn of the word apologia, meaning defense. [1] Each method defines both its own relationship and worldview between faith and reason. Therefore, Apologetics is not restricted or reserved to defend a single worldview, faith, reason, and concept or theorem. [1] For instance, the most plausible worldview contenders are monotheism, naturalism, and pantheism (Groothuis, 2011). Monotheism is the belief in a single all-powerful god, as opposed to religions that believe in multiple gods. [5] Judaism encompasses the religion, philosophy, culture and way of life of the Jewish people. [5] Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, who serves as the focal point for the religion and Islam is widely practiced forms of monotheism. [5] The most appropriate Apologetic method, in my opinion, is evidentialism. …show more content…
Evidentialism is a method in Apologetics that argues the historical events of Christianity. Christian Apologetics are not restricted to responding to objectives to the Christian faith but instructs refutes, contend, and encourages the applicant. [1] The worldview of Christianity is a combination of a comprehensive system of all the beliefs of Christianity gathered into one distinct worldview. [1] Evidentialism method focus on matters that can be established through the appropriate historical argumentations, such as, the resurrection so Jesus to the existence of God. The relationship between faith and reason for the Christian is a good Evidentialism method