The memorial itself as stated before is dedicated to myself. It is not meant to portray any accomplishments from my life, but it is designed for the asetheticly pleasing look. It is just meant to show the beauty of the architecture and meant to portray a unique atmosphere in general. It will not say anything about the kind of person I was or the kind of life I led. The form and decoration used for the tomb will not be meant to communicate a specific message that is meant to be left behind. It will have one message displayed for the entire memorial which will be, “It has been said, ‘time heals all woulds.’ I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pains lessens, But it is never gone.” This will be displayed on the stone block that is horizontially placed on top of two vertical stone blocks as you walk up the stairway and enter the stone circle. My memorial will not be to scale of Stonehenge but on a scale that is half the size of the actual stone henge in regards to the circumference of the circle (54ft wide). However, the shear size of the blocks that compose the circle will still be regular height (13 feet high). The blocks of stones themselves will be left alone and not comprise of any art work on them, but in the center of the stone ring there will be a sculpture of my own head with an expressionless face on a 5ft pedestal. Underneath of this pedestal would be where my body is at rest in a sarcophagus such as that displayed in text by the Egyptians and it would be buried at 6 feet deep. It is a memorial that is not meant to be showy and no one aside from family will even know the location of it aside from people that randomly stumble upon it. I would have it in a random, isolated location in the woods that are across the lake from my cabin which is an isolated area to begin with. I chose this location for more a joke factor in a sense because people would not expect this at all and a random person that stumbles upon it would be in awe with what they have just “found”. People may think that it is something signifcant from the past and/or holds great value to the past as well. They would potentially think that it is historic. It will be on a small hill in the woods that is roughly 10-12 feet elevated from the ground. This hill will have no vegatation aside from shorter grass that covers it. However, some vines and other smaller vegatation will be on the stones to give it a more older look to it. Its meant to make seem as though the memorial has been in the woods for some time. Surronding the …show more content…
Aside from this no other concept are integrated into my memorial. For instance, religion is not tied into this memorial as at this stage of my life I do not find myself to be religious what so ever. Other conecepts that are not meant to be displayed are shelter and food. Regardless of if I had power in my life or not, there is still a sense of power when viewing this memorial due to its size alone, but also that this large structure surronds my buried body in a sacrophagus at the center of it. One may view it and think because of the unique nature of it that the person buried there would have to have power in order to be apart of something like this. The overall meaning of this memorial is not intended to have one. It is just meant to be something that is unique and