Subway Hero Autrey

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In history, there have been many war heroes and animal heroes, but there are heroes who walk our streets and live in our cities. They are what you call an everyday hero. An everyday hero is someone who is brave and willing to die to save lives and help other no matter the risk.
A hero is not someone in a tight spandex suit with a cape. They look normal, just like you or me. They are people who choose to get involved in an emergency like running into a disaster like an earthquake or burning building the concept of a hero is a person who help the frst responders or the poles in an everyday situation.
One such hero was called the subway superman. Wesley Autrey is a 52 year old man who saw someone having a heart attack on a New York subway track. With his two young children watching, he jumped down on the tracks and held down the man as the train passed over him and the man. When the train
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People were trying to figure out who the kidnaper was the teens saw a driver that was driving erratically. The teens followed the car. A few blocks later, the kidnaper saw that they were following him he let the girl go. She was only five years old and was returned to her family. A few hours later the kidnapper was caught and sent to prison. That was brave of them.(15 real life heros that have changed the world.php).
The opposite of an everyday hero are the people who save people for fame or an award or record a disaster to make money. Those are the disgraces to the people who risk their lives to save that is one of the most meanest things you can do and it will make real heroes look bad that is the opposite of a hero.
Heroes can be people that served their country or dogs that have saved someone or just normal people, anyone can do it. It isn’t clear why people don't do it more, It's a choice. If you want to put your life on the line to help others or just run the other way,someone has got to do

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