Stereotyping In Disney Movies

Superior Essays
Disney movies seem to be one of the main culprits of stereotypical characters, masking them with catchy songs and cute appearances. Most of the time the audience does not even realize that the character are stereotyping race, gender, or sexual orientation while watching just because of how normal Hollywood made it be. The lessons taught in Disney movies are very important, however negativity used through characters reveal very inaccurate descriptions of how people actually are. This stereotyping should not be overlooked just because it is in many popular childrens films. The fact that from a young age, children are exposed to these scenes will only result in stereotyping in their future.
A woman’s appearance is valued more than her intellect.
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The age of character reveals different characteristics depending on what situation they are in. When a conflict occurs young male characters are far less likely to use physical force to resolve a problem. Rather they use their emotions to come up with a logical solutions. In Aladdin, “Aladdin uses his wits to outsmart his enemies rather than using force.” In the scene where he is in the marketplace, Aladdin is presented with the problem to save Princess Jasmine from the mean street vendors. When he sees that she is in trouble he does everything he can to save her without getting physical with other characters. He uses his athleticism to trick those around him and ultimately confuse them. Similarly, in Robin Hood they portrayed boys “ able to express emotion and resolve conflicts without physical force.” Young male characters are able to take a more mature route when it comes to their problems. This is very ironic because older male characters tend to use force when conflicted. They will throw objects or yell at people around them instead of thinking of a better way to solve the situation. In the 1950’s movie Cinderella, “the king yells and throws things around the room while talking to his son about why it is taking him so long to marry.” Not only is the king's behavior childish, the problem he is faced with does not concern him at …show more content…
In the movie Dumbo, the characters that the crows play are depicted in a negative way by, “associating [the crows]... being poor, unintelligent, and naive.” on top of that, African Americans are being stereotypes with crows who are notorious for being extremely unfriendly. In Peter Pan, main character, Peter “refers to the indigenous tribe as “redskins”.”(England) He then goes on to say how unintelligent they are. Class stereotypes are exaggerated as well in Disney movies. The hyenas in The Lion King were shown as the lower class, and were very poor and hungry. Throughout the movie they are referred to as stupid and are never given any power. Then in Beauty and the Beast, the dishes sing “life is unnerving for a servant that’s not serving.” this quote from the song suggests that the lower class enjoys serving the wealthy. Just because one is classified as lower class, it does not make them unintelligent or have lack of

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