Stem-Cell Research Papers

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Stem-Cell Research
What if prosthetics could be a thing of the past? What if accident victims could grow back their missing limbs? This can possibly be accomplished with stem-cell research. So what's the issue? “Why are we not funding this?” you ask. In this essay that is exactly what we will be finding out. The main reason that stem-cell research is meeting controversy is due to the development, use, and destruction of human embryos. That stated, not all stem-cell research involves human embryos or embryos of any type. Much of stem-cell research is done over the stem-cells of certain animals that have the ability to heal or regrow organs or body parts. Some of the main animals used are fish, tadpoles, salamanders, and geckos. There has
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To me the many benefits of the the studies on the lives of some of the many afflicted greatly outweighs the ethical arguments. There is so much potential in the finding of life saving cures. As I have earlier stated many diseases are greatly combated by the therapies created by this research. There are more than sixteen defects and diseases that this research helps. There is likely much more that this research can help. That this research can cure. There are so many lives it can save and improve. Is there anything more important than the lives that will be saved and improved buy this …show more content…
Testing pharmaceutical candidates on lab rats have proven notoriously unreliable. Often times compounds that appear safe prove toxic to humans. There is a better, safer way to predict the toxicity of experimental drugs. By exposing embryonic stem-cells to drug-candidates. Scientist can then monitor the behavior of said stem-cells. Studying how potential drugs can provide a much more accurate prediction of the potential drugs toxicity.
Most of the opposition on stem-cell research comes from anti-abortion groups. They argue that life starts at the moment of conception. That when a sperm fertilizes an egg, a distinct organism has come into being. Are they wrong? Maybe not. But can we really stop the progress of the human race? Can we really stop the research that could cure so many life threatening illnesses? Can we really stop the research that could raise the life quality of so many? Can we stop all of that on a what if?
So in a recap stem-cell research can make drug testing safer and more reliable, possibly cure life threatening diseases, and teach us much more about ourselves as a species. Stem-cell research could improve the world as a whole. And that is why in this essay I stated many of the reasons I for one support stem-cell research. Are you ready to change the word for the

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