Stamp Act Research Paper

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The Stamp Act, passed in 1765, was the first British Act enacted that directly affected the colonists. This act placed a mandate on all paper goods. Colonists were required to buy and place stamps on all paper products including playing cards, wills, and contracts. Since this was affecting the colonists directly, their response was notable. Sam Adams, a colonial rebel, formed a group called Sons of Liberty. The Sons of Liberty rebelled against British policies, fought taxation and protected the colonists’ rights from the British. This created more conflict between the American Colonies and the British Government. Another retaliation that created tension was Stamp Act congress. This was a meeting held by colonial leaders to encourage Britain to repeal the Stamp Act. This meeting was successful, and the act was repealed, but led to the next act. …show more content…
Passed in 1767, this act was meant to create a new form for revenue after the repeal of the Stamp Act. This act placed a tax on tea, lead, paint, glass and paper. In response, the colonists started a boycott called the Boston Non-Importation Agreement. This boycott created tension between the British soldiers stationed in Boston, and the colonists. On March 5, 1770, an angry mob of colonists picked a fight with the British troops, causing the death of five colonists. This conflict became known as the Boston Massacre. After the massacre, the British employed the Tea Act. It’s objective was to reduce the surplus of tea held by the British East India Company, which forced the colonists to only buy this type of tea. After it was passed a series of rebellions occurred, including the most well known rebellion, the Boston Tea Party. Executed by the Sons of Liberty on the night of December 16, 1773, the group snuck onto three British import ships in the Boston harbor. The Sons of Liberty threw 343 chests of tea in the harbor. These colonial responses led to the next acts

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