The State Systematic Improvement Plan (SSIP) is an effort by OSEP and SEA’s to improve programs for students with disabilities. These plans will be developed by the states for Part B and for Part C in three phases. As a part of the development, the states are expected to include quantitative as well as qualitative data and to document the involvement of key stakeholders in the development and evaluation of the SSIP.
Phase 1 Analysis (due in 2015)
• Data Analysis: The SSIP must describe how the State identified and analyzed key data in order to (1) select the area or result to be improved for children with disabilities (called the State-Identified Measurable Result for Children with Disabilities), and (2) identify …show more content…
• Explain how your agency has established clear expectations for effective data use across SEA offices and departments. Describe the processes the SEA uses to support LEAs in effective data use.
• What formal mechanisms require LEAs and individual schools to engage in continuous improvement using data-based decision-making? Describe how LEAs and individual schools are supported in their efforts.
• Describe how the SEA provides targeted or differentiated tools/products/services that facilitate the effective use of data to improve instructional practice and student learning.
Describe how the SEA analyzes data related to student outcomes and /or root causes (e.g., SPP/APR indicators, 618 data, Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) data, and other EDFACTS data).
Describe how data are disaggregated (e.g., geographic locality, race/ethnicity, gender, disability type or status, age, low-income or other criteria)? What conclusions were you able to draw from disaggregating the data?
What additional data might be necessary to determine root causes for low performance? What methods would the SEA use and what would the timeline be to collect the additional