At the end of this assignment, you will find a questionnaire that you must administer to learners. You will also find a table that will explain how each of the statements in the questionnaire is linked to aspects of an effective teaching-learning environment.
The following is important to remember when you work with questionnaires:
• It is usually done anonymously – this makes respondents …show more content…
• The questionnaire always starts with biographical particulars so that you can search for certain trends in certain age/gender/performance etc. groups.
Do the following for your assignment.
• Administer the questionnaires to at least 30 learners. The completed questionnaires of all 30 learners must be attached to this assignment. If you are no teaching mathematical literacy, approach a teacher who is teaching mathematical literacy and request to do research in his/her mathematical literacy class. Obtain permission from the principal and attach proof when handing in this assignment. Clearly state in your assignment whether the research was done in your own class or in that of another teacher.
• Analyse the questionnaires and draw frequency tables for each of the aspects you are investigating about teaching-learning environment (use the table in Appendix B). Attach all evidence to your assignment.
• Represent your results with at least three types of statistical graphs. If you use more graphs you will earn extra credit. Attach all evidence to your assignment.
• Search for correlations between different aspects as well as between