One of the biggest problems we have in America today is obesity. Obesity is the condition of being grossly fat and many people in America have this condition. Being overweight and obese are two very different things. When one is overweight this extra weight could come from water, bone, fat, or even muscle. When someone is obese this is when they have only too much fat.…
America seems to be obsessed with thinness. In magazines people see ultra-thin models and envision themselves with that ideal of beauty. In cities, fitness centers, dieting and weight loss advertisements, and health food stores are popping everywhere encouraging Americans to “get fit”. Despite these efforts the problem of obesity is not changing. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that “more than one-third of the adult population in the United States is considered obese,” leading experts to label the problem of obesity as an epidemic in America.…
The obesity epidemic in the United States is now three decades old, continuing to worsen over the years. Many Americans are fearful of being categorized as obese because of the risk of other developing health conditions that come along with it, including: heart disease, cancer, diabetes or sleep apnea, just to name a few. Obesity is looked at as a simplistic issue because being larger than others automatically means that one is lazy right? This is the attitude taken towards this subject. Many people do not understand the complexity of obesity, but medical professionals and other researchers are starting to take a look into why the number of people being diagnosed as obese is increasing.…
Across the nation, American’s have begun to notice that their favorite pairs of jeans seem fit just a little too snug for their liking all of a sudden. Many are quick to jump to conclusions and blame the fast food industries, but are they the true issue here? Obesity has made its presence well known to many of today’s Americans. Along with larger clothes and slower walking paces, obesity comes with many other health risks that can easily destroy the everyday life of its victim, and, in severe cases, even bring that life to an end. It is no secret that the prevalence of fast food companies has increased dramatically in the past decade.…
The Controversy of Obesity Obesity is a major problem in America. The numbers of obese people in the United States have steadily increased since the 1970’s. Over a fourth of the population in America is obese, leading it to be the among the most obese countries in the world. Obesity can be solved.…
America is one of the remarkably overweight nations in the world. It is for the reason that individually life is speedy and the majority of people come about needing food right now, instead of taking the time to cook a meal. If fast food restaurants prevail in the high schools of our communities, before long it would essentially be contributing to the obesity issue, diminishing the health of our youth, and hurting students academically. It is no secret that America, as a nation, has a fast food problem.…
People love their food. Our sustenance is the most prevalent item tracing to the beginning of time, simply because human beings cannot survive without the nourishment that food provides us. As time has progressed, however, food has morphed from a commodity that aids our survival, into our de facto when stressed, bored, or in need of a good time. Thanks to the accession of fast food chains and the wide influence of sensationalizing advertisements, food has become far more than a simple necessity to us—but at the risk of our health, and ultimately, our livelihood.…
In this new age, who is really at fault of America's obesity problem? Many blame the fast food industries, but the full blame isn't just on the consumers. As self reliant people that have full control over ourselves, the blame is as equal as the industries. In the last few decades the public's food portions have been growing, companies making money off of it. Meanwhile the consumers health depleting because of it, without knowing the true harm.…
In addition, it is also an individual’s choice on the type of food they consume. Obesity has become a world problem and currently American males and females from the age of 2 to 19 years old have been affected by obesity tremendously increasing at a staggering rate from 1999-2000 to 2009-2010. (see fig. 2). However, daily meals don’t only come from fast food places, but also from home, school, and other places. While fast food industries like McDonald’s, KFC, and others have continued to flourish and expand their business to various regions across the globe to showcase that people are supporting the growth of their businesses, Americans still manage to point fingers at these local restaurants.…
In today’s society, there are a variety of illnesses and diseases that Americans deal with on a daily basis. One of these diseases that have a leading percentage rate in the United States is obesity. According to, “Obesity is one of the most pervasive, chronic diseases in need of new strategies for medical treatment and prevention.” Obesity has taken a toll on the younger generation, the future of America: children and adolescents. From the easy access to fast food restaurants throughout the country to our former First Lady, Michelle Obama, who brought light to her solution to child’s obesity with her nationwide campaign, Let’s Move!, there has been exposure to the topic yet there is still room for improvement.…
The definition of obesity is the condition of being grossly fat or overweight. For the past several years North America has been growing in size. There has been an increase in the number of obese people, and of fast food restaurants. With in the last 50 years alone, there has been significant changes the way Americans eat. More and more people are turning to fast food restaurants because they are easily accessible, but what they don’t realize is how their bodies react to the food from these restaurants.…
Obesity is a problem is the United States that mostly affects kids, teenagers, and adults. Parents have a huge impact on obesity because their children follow their footsteps. One of the impacts that parents make are choosing how much and what type of food that their children eat. Obesity can cause many serious health problems, so it is very important to monitor the causes of obesity. Obesity is a growing problem in the United States of America; obesity in America is caused by eating fast unhealthy foods, not exercising regularly, and high prices of healthy foods.…
Obesity is Swallowing up your Country Obesity is linked to more worldwide deaths than starvation. The U.S Government is not doing enough to improve on this issue in America. Throughout the years, diseases that come from nutritional deficiency have been replaced with an imbalance of nutrients. There has been a dietary increase over the last 30 years, along with a decrease of exercise. More than half of the world’s population lives in a country where obesity is among one of the leading health risks.…
America is one of the most obese countries in the world, and the reasons are pretty obvious. You have fast food stores in almost every shopping center, block, mall, or even amusement parks. America doesn’t take obesity serious. Although Michelle Obama did try to tackle obesity with the play 60 program.( It was not enough to stop kids from craving fast foods. Parents need to be more strict on their kids eating habits.…
America has a hierarchy of body size that places thin people at the top and fat people at the bottom. This has been a rather recent development; slightly more than 100 years ago, fatness was considered attractive because it showed that the person could afford to eat well and gain weight. However, in the late 1800s, being fat began to be looked at as if it exemplified “an inward and spiritual disgrace, of laziness, of self-indulgence” . Because of a changing economy that allowed for more food to be produced and sold for less money as well as a large influx of naturally shorter and rounder immigrants, the American elite sought a way to differentiate themselves from the impecunious immigrants.…