Obesity is the fastest-spreading cause of death in America, and this does not come as much of a surprise when one considers the cheap accessibility of food in the world around us. …show more content…
np). As a result, the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis, which is the body’s central stress response system, releases excessive glucocorticoid, which accordingly increases BMI (Zhou et al. np). Defined as an energy supplement equaling less than 1000 calories every day, famine and bodily overreaction thanks to malnutrition traces to higher obesity rates during adulthood (Butterfield np). The relationship between malnutrition and obesity is a complicated one, and many people do not realize that these two extremes coexist all over the world—often in the same households (McWhorter 1). Traditionally associated with overabundance and affluence, obesity lies at the opposite end of the spectrum from malnutrition. However, these two conditions originate from issues that are actually quite similar. Lack of a nutritious diet is primarily the main root of both conditions, and poverty serves as a cause and effect of obesity and malnutrition, as an individual requires health to be a productive member of society, and proper nutrition is a requirement in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle (McWhorter 1). When one consumes calories, they do not necessarily consume nutrients, and the nutritional status of an individual does not merely lie in a …show more content…
When the American Medical Association made the decision to override the recommendation of the CSPH, they ultimately altered the way that we view most bodily conditions. The decision came about in order to assist physicians in focusing on the problem of obesity while developing a route through which obesity treatment and management could become the priority, but over time, the new definition has caused much larger repercussions. For many people, obesity is now a normal concept that has rapidly and successfully integrated into our society at the cost of our longevity and overall health, and because health professionals have recently begun referring to obesity as a disease, corpulence remains a permanent and conventional way of life. This degradation of human health ideals is startling and