According to Figure 1, The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, (NIDDK), concluded two in three adults in US are considered to be overweight, and one-third fall into the obese category. This is not quite an alarming statistic though, is it? Although it may be easy to identify obesity as a problem in general, it is difficult to identify a single culprit responsible for the epidemic because so many different factors contribute to it. The NIDDK states that obesity is a result from an energy imbalance. In order to function properly, the body needs a specific amount of calories from food. Weight will not rise unless more calories are consumed than the body can burn. After awhile of this, obesity begins to develop (NIDDK, 2). Now-a-days, fast food takes a majority of the wrap for the skyrocketing obesity rates, but it was not always like …show more content…
Author Netalie Shloim’s article, “Parenting Styles, Feeding Styles, Feeding Practices, and Weight Status in 4–12 Year-Old Children: A Systematic Review of the Literature” reveals that adult’s eating habits tend to mimic those established early in life (Shloim et al, 2). Parenting styles can greatly affect a child’s future weight. For example, some parents force their child to eat everything on her plate before she may get up from the table. The child may grow accustomed to overeating, which leads to the development of more fat cells. If not monitored correctly, this could potentially lead to weight gain and possibly obesity. Another example of a parenting style that could potentially lead to a child’s development of obesity is using food as a reward for good behavior. Giving a child candy or cookies for doing his chores, teaches him to eat when he is not hungry. He learns that after completing his assigned jobs, he will be rewarded with food. This anticipation tricks the brain into thinking the body is hungry even when it actually is not (Shloim et al, 15). Eating when the body is full, again, leads to the expansion and development of unnecessary fat cells and unavoidable weight gain. This sort of pressure to eat instilled by parents and their desired method of parenting can expose their child to a life of big pants and even bigger