Overcoming Obesity In America Today

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In America today, a major problem has developed concerning obesity. The term “obesity” is used to describe a condition in which overweight people face due to the lack of exercise or the consumption of too much food. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number that can classify a person as obese. Having a BMI of 30.0 or higher is considered obese while anything below that is either overweight, normal, or underweight (“Defining Adult Overweight”). Often, adults and children struggle to overcome obesity due to the lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet. To put this into perspective, a little more than one-third of adults in the United States are obese (Blaszczac-Boxe). Arguably, obesity is the most controversial issue in America today, and to handle …show more content…
When visiting the grocery store, it is beneficial to plan ahead. Thinking about what to buy can often result in better choices. For example, walking into a grocery store unprepared is bound to defeat the purpose of getting healthier. Studies have shown that yogurts, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and vegetables have beneficially impacted the weight loss of the obese (Hruby, et al. 1657). Getting foods with less calories and less fat is also helpful; most of the time, the food still tastes alright too. Companies like Lay’s are striving to reinforce eating healthier with the sale of chips with fewer calories than ever before. Another problem that is said to be one of the leading causes of obesity is fizzy drinks. For the most part, fizzy drinks consist of sodas or other drinks with a high amount of sugar. High amounts of sugar can lead to diabetes which will only exacerbate the problems for a person with obesity. Those who have diabetes tend to struggle with obesity more than people without a sugar problem. Instead of such unhealthy beverages, water would be the better option that helps to overcome …show more content…
Starting off with daily exercises, adults that are obese can slowly get into the habit of a daily routine. Whether it may be on a treadmill or outside, brisk walking is a very effective way to start out. For children, playing outside is a fun and helpful way to exercise. Most elementary schools and middle school are obligated to give time for kids to play outside once a day. However, once a child reaches high school, most schools aren’t required to make kids go outside which is a problem. For children to overcome obesity, schools in America must mandate that students from kindergarten through twelfth grade must have the opportunity to go outside to exercise once a day. Implementing this into the educational system would hopefully make a significant difference in lowering the amount of obese children in the United

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