Every person has at least asked once in their life what is the meaning of their life, what purpose do they have on this land called, Earth. They imagine many possibilities but what if someone just told you what it meant. Would it mean anything to a person if it was so easily able to describe in just a couple of sentences. In most cases it would not, knowledge without some type of loss is worthless. …show more content…
Some experience their parents going through divorce, hanging with the wrong crowd, or simply wanted to be accepted in the stressful society of teens. People will do whatever to feel accepted but it will backfire on them one day. In the story, “Space, A Memoir”, Jesse, the author goes through the same problems in her life. She goes into therapy when her family begins to worry for her and believe she is unhappy. They decide to take her to therapy and she realizes that she was pure compared to the rest of the group. “The group was a lesson in how to really mess up. One kid told how easy it was to hot-wire a car. Another about skipping school to do hash oil and break into his neighbours’ houses. Their stories only made me feel more distant, even weirder. I’d been a saint compared to them. Me, I’d only smoked pot that one time with Mark Kish to get even with my sister. I’d never even thought of doing most of this stuff. It was embarrassing. I didn 't talk at all that first meeting. Then, I started to lie.” (232) To become “cool” like everyone else she decides that if she did things or “said” she did these things that people would think twice about her. Everybody genuinely believe this is the truth, if they want to or not, and will do the same thing although some take action and will do it just to be accepted. In the article, Going Down A Troubled Path, it discusses how teen acts and the reason they do it. Although some of it is normal since in this general age kids will begin rebelling and at certain times. Teens are the highest percentage of age group that gets into trouble, from lying to an authority, cheating in school, doing drugs, and much worse, which leads them in trouble with the law and risking their future. The reason they do this is to become part of a group and feel welcomed, or they feel like they need approval from another peer,or finding a way to cope with the emotion