In order to obtain accurate numbers from the now grown-out Sordaria samples, a small procedure was followed. First, a sample of fungi was taken from the border of a WT and TT section in the Petri dish. A slide was prepared by placing one drop of water on the middle of it, the Sordaria sample on top, and a slide coverslip on top of the sample. The eraser of a pencil was used to lightly press on the coverslip in order to release the asci so that they can be seen. Under a microscope, a multitude of asci were observed a recorded. They were counted by visual observation. Results of each trial were recorded in charts with sections for the number of non-recombinant and recombinant type of asci found. A Non-recombinant Asci is classified as Type A Asci, with a 4:4 spore ratio. A Recombinant Asci can either be Type B Asci, with a 2:4:2 spore ratio, or Type C Asci, with a 2:2:2:2 spore …show more content…
The individual data for the control group revealed there to be eight Type A Asci, ten Type B Asci, and eight Type C Asci. This comes out to be eighteen total Recombinant Asci, and twenty-six total Asci, to yield a crossover frequency of about .69. The group data for the control group revealed there to be fourteen Type A Asci, twenty-two Type B Asci, and fifteen Type C Asci. This comes out to be thirty-seven total Recombinant Asci, and fifty-one total Asci, to yield a slightly higher crossover frequency of about .73.
The individual data for the low-treatment WT crossed with low-treatment TT recorded there to be only four Type A Asci, seven Type B Asci, and fifteen Type C Asci. These numbers come out to be a total of twenty-two Recombinant Asci and twenty-six total Asci, to yield a crossover frequency of about .85. The group data for the treated Sordaria recorded there to be ten Type A Asci, twenty Type B Asci, and thirty-five Type C Asci. These numbers come out to be a total of fifty-five Recombinant Asci and sixty-five total Asci, to yield an extremely similar crossover frequency of about