Over using the internet can also lead to stages where someone could suffer through financial problems, job losses, and relationship breakdowns; the most common example for the relationship breakdown is if someone's significant other likes/ comments on a random person picture, using the internet at night, and not going to bed at the right time, causes people to wake up late in the morning, and not being at work on the right time, head office people could take actions like these into consideration, and eventually fire that person. These activities can heavily impact the mental health of a person (Rosen). “Also, teens who tend to use facebook are shown to be more narcissistic, antisocial, and aggressive” (Barnes). Barnes also stated that Instagram has been the most dangerous/ damaging social media platform for mental health. Body image is another common thing that revolves around the world of social media, which leads to people being more insecure and uncertain about the body figure that they have (Barnes). These are some examples on how social media can impact the mental health of a human …show more content…
There have been incidents where young girls get provocated by older men into sexual activities. There is increasing evidence that the Internet and social media can influence suicide-related behavior. “The national Alliance on mental illness reports that 90% of teens who commit suicide have an underlying mental health condition such as depression, anxiety, or eating disorder,” ( “Teen suicide”), which are surprisingly the symptoms of excessive use of social media. It has also been said that social media or media in general, which promotes suicide can often lead to copycat suicide attempts. For example, 13 reasons why is a show where a highschool girl gets harassed, bullied, and made fun of by her classmates; after having enough, she eventually commits suicide, and leaves 13 tapes behind, each for someone who caused her to take this misleading act. There were many controversies regarding this show, which made netflix put warning signs before each episode of the show. After this show aired on netflix, it had been said that 2 high schoolers attempted suicide, after watching the following show; Fox new writes, “The grieving families of two California teens (Bella Herndon, and Priscilla Chiu) who committed suicide in April just days after watching Netflix’s “13 Reasons Why” said the show acted as a trigger for their daughters.” These kind of apps can also make someone feel