Social Inequality In America Essay

Improved Essays
Social inequality deserves a plethora of attention and awareness due to its everlasting effects on America’s teens in modern day society. Writers are one of the most powerful advocates that use writing to use the various genres of literature as a proactive tool. The issue of inequity and persecution have been around since mankind has, yet it doesn’t have enough attention brought to it. These problems affect everyone at some point in their life, with some others being affected more than others, so efforts have to be made to reduce the consequences.
Some rising social inequalities include financial inequality, bullying, and racism. According the the Census Bureau, a continuously growing population is living in poverty. The rate in 2007 being 12.5%. And in 2010, 15.1%. Americans who are making minimum wage and have an income below the line of poverty, is the highest it’s ever been in 35 years. The rate of poor people in America is constantly raising and will most likely never stop unless acted upon. There is very little attention brought to the poverty issues affecting Americans,
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Adding up to 3 million per month. 6 percent admitted to being bullied, and bullying others. 13 percent confessed bullying others, and 11 percent reported being bullied according to a national survey of kids pertaining to grades 6-10. This is stunning because loss of self-esteem, violence, suicide, and more troubles. Source: National Youth Violence Prevention Resource. Bullying happens all over the world, in schools, offices, other workplaces, and even public. The deprivation of human rights can be considered bullying in some cases. However, in order for it to be bullying the behaviour must be repeated and unreasonable and must create a risk to health and

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