In both Latin America and Western Europe, elite classes obtained more power. Direct Comparison #2 (similarity)
In both Latin America and Western Europe, economic expansion led to greater class diversification. Direct Comparison #3 (difference)
Urbanization in Western Europe led to a larger middle class, but colonization in Latin America led to an increase in mixed populations. Direct Comparison #4 (difference)
Conditions for women in the upper middle class in Western Europe improved, but not for women in Latin America.
- European nobles and aristocrats were officers in their nation’s armies and navies or officials in their governments’ bureaucracies in support of their monarchs.
- Peninsulares were …show more content…
- In Latin America, race-based hierarchies were formed due to the increasing amount of mixed populations (mestizos, mulattos, and zambos) and settlement of the Europeans who believed that they were superior to them. Evidence
- The percentage of people who were skilled artisans, lawyers, physicians, merchants, and bankers increased and became part of the middle class in Western Europe.
- In Latin America, colonization led to an increase of mixed populations of children from the descents of Europeans and Natives Americans or Africans, or Africans and Native Americans. Evidence
- Women of the upper classes in Western Europe experienced more access to education and economic roles in businesses. Higher level of education was offered to Catholic nuns and literacy was emphasized for women.
- In Latin America, the roles of local women were often supposed to become wives or …show more content…
Therefore, those who were merchants were able to accumulate more wealth due to the increasing importance of trade, but serfs were usually bound to the land they worked on. Being part of the top levels of society remained difficult because one had to be born to the status in order to be part of the elite classes.
- Compared to the technological advancements of Western Europe to Latin America, the Americans were behind, which easily allowed the Europeans to conquer them with their gunpowder weaponry and navigational technology. Therefore, the Europeans saw themselves to be more capable than the Americans; based on social Darwinism, Caucasians were superior to other races. Reason & Explanation
- Due to urbanization and increase emphasis on hard work and education, people began to gain more wealth and sometimes power, which allowed them to be above the working classes and servant classes. Moreover, urbanization and exploration led the increase of demand for certain high occupations, and merchants became more economically