Captive Killer Whales Blackfish is a movie about an orca named Tilikum who was captured at a young age and taken to perform at Sealand. Within a year and a half he was moved to Seaworld for breeding purposes and because Sealand shut down. Tilikum soon became a great attraction and everyone wanted to see him and all the trainers wanted to train him. They all thought Tilikum was an excellent whale, but that is because they were never told that anything bad happened.…
The Blue Crabs Promise Summer Excitement For those living in Charles County, MD, one of the greatest summer pastimes is catching The Blue Crabs play a game or two. The Blue Crabs are a minor league baseball team that offer excitement for their fans all year long. The team plays from April through August, which gives residents plenty of time to catch several games. One of the most exciting portions of this season is the addition to roster that was just announced earlier this year, Steve Lombardozzi.…
A Kaleb Lamb Ms. Gourd English 9 May 7, 2018 ESSKEETIT!! One day deep in the highland and plains of South Africa. Two friends were dropped of by there helicopter to explore this bare landscape. The two boys were friends back in the United States.…
“there is a spectacular spiral of lemon peel […] cut so thin as to be translucent, a slice of the warmth and energy pouring into this room we’ll never see” (Doty 35). In his essay, “Still Life with Oysters and Lemon”, Mark Doty is captivated by a painting in the Met by Jan Davidsz de Heem, a painter from the 17th century. Although Heem’s paintings are hundreds of years old, the feeling of intimacy lingers in the room, brought to light by the lemons Heem paints. Doty is drawn to the painting, describing in loving detail each “amber inch of wine, dewy grapes, curl of a lemon peel” (Doty 34) and cannot help but examine how the painting makes him question the very nature of humanity. How we both crave intimacy, yet long to be independent of others,…
Summer is the perfect time for a trip to the beach, and for nature lovers, there’s no better beach than Crab Cove. Located at the north end of Crown Memorial State Beach in Alameda, the Crab Cove Marine Protected Area, is California’s first marine reserve on an estuary. Estuaries are defined as bodies of water usually found where rivers meet the sea. At Crab Cove, this provides a unique opportunity to view a wide variety of creatures and habitats. The best time to view this intertidal life is when the tide is two feet or lower.…
we also don’t know the illnesses they might potentially carry. in step with the chesapeake bay basis, “within the middle of the 20th century, numerous oyster farmers tried illegal plantings of [Oysters] in the chesapeake and delaware bays. even as the pacific oysters did not continue to exist right here, their parasites escaped, and thrived…” history has a bent to repeat itself. besides the oyster’s possibility of bringing on disorder, the oysters we've got now are already starting to tolerate the diseases in the water. in maryland, “newly released information from the department of herbal resources display that ailment-associated oyster…
Red Lobster in Lubbock, Texas is very popular for its mouthwatering seafood dishes. The venue is very spacious and can accommodate large parties, as well as ones with children diners. The staff at Red Lobster is very attentive and friendly. In addition to the generous portions, it is what keeps customers in the area going back over and over again. Red Lobster has lots of fantastic starters.…
SeaWorld. We have all heard the name, considering they were once one of the most successful amusement parks in the world. Everyone wanted to come see Shamu, the huge majestic killer whale, do tricks so close to us we could get soaked. The whales always seemed to be in sync with the performers; we thought nothing could top getting splashed by gallons of water by a humongous whale. Unfortunately, in recent years, the saying “all press is good press” has not seemed to apply to SeaWorld.…
When you first pull an oyster out of the Chesapeake Bay it looks like nothing at all, but as you turn it over in your hand, the dusty green slime falls away and you are left with a misty grey shell. It is rough to the touch, with ripply layers that reflect the water it came from, and it sits in your hand in such a way that makes it feel ancient. If you were to stick a shucking knife in that oyster and pry it open, you would find a thick salty slime surrounding a tan leathery lump. The contents of an oyster are of little significance to many, but the history of the Chesapeake Bay is written in that oyster. From the founding of the first colonies along the bay to the present day oysters, have been a part of life for the people of the…
Are you still a picky eater? I don’t know if you remember but back in middle school you didn’t eat anything! You would only eat fruits, vegetables, and a little bit of junk food. Your favorite spot to eat was Wings on Brookwood and you loved Red Hot sauce.…
Killer whales, also known as orcas, are the largest members of the dolphin family and the top predator in their ecosystem. They are one of the most intelligent marine creatures, especially due to their acute senses of sight and hearing. This mammal has an added part of the brain that allows the orcas to communicate between orcas. This language allows them to be social between other whales and also social with human beings. Their beauty has astounded humans for generations, but for many orcas captivity limits their freedom and their quality of life.…
Palm Coast: Back Door to St. Augustine So, you’re moving to Florida. Or, you’d sure like to. No one probably has to drill you on Sunshine State specifics, like those flash cards that once helped elementary-school students memorize multiplication tables. Remember those?…
Genetics essay Lance shelly Have you ever heard about glofish or maybe even GMO’s? well thats what im here for, see before i get into talking about these 2 products i hope you are taking notes because i have alot of information about these 2 products listen up for some very important information causing problems but they also fix problems in this world. so lets get started.…
With the way I personally like to eat my crawfish is that it has to be full of juice and flavour with the additional buttery, spicy seasonings. I would start off by going to the nearest local food market that sells crawfish by the sack. After arriving, i would then make sure they have a sack at least a 20 lb or higher, also known as the JUMBO size. If not, then it is not going to be worth your time and money at all. You would then need to examine the live crawfish, making sure they are all alive and looking fresh.…
On the east coast of Virginia lies the Chesapeake Bay, is a 200-mile estuary that stretches from Havre De Grace Maryland to Norfolk Virginia with its own very unique and delicate ecosystem. One ongoing issue that faces the Bay is the harvesting of the oyster reefs. 1 Oysters are natural filters and one oyster can filter an average of 50 gallons of water a day. In this delicate ecosystem oysters offers habitat and food to other sea creatures. The oyster industry has played an important role in the economy of the region as well (Chesapeake Bay Program, 2016).…