Time is an essential downfall when it comes to year around school. Most year round schools will have a shorter break than the typical two to three months in the summer. Year round school consists of a longer break most likely in the winter rather than the warmer months. Due to the changes in the schedule, families will have to plan vacations and work times around the school schedule. This makes it harder for families whose children go to different schools.
Another disadvantage to year round school is the work ethic of the students. Many students …show more content…
There should not be year-round schools due to the many drawbacks for students, as well as the school itself. The downfalls of year round schools involve time, cost and the development of students. Consequently, there are risks of students not growing as healthy as a child with extended time off. Also, the scheduling for families and out of school activities will be harder to plan and have to be changed because of an extended year. The students and their families will not only be affected by the prolonged school year. The school itself will have to pay an economic cost due to the rising electricity prices in the summer. In conclusion, schools should not lengthen their times by going all