This study explores the perception of sexual expectations according to gender, location of date and if a woman consumes alcohol. A survey was conducted utilizing qualitative research methods to determine if the participant involved thought that sex was more likely according to the location of the date and if the female consumed alcohol. The study found that while location proved to be a statistically insignificant factor, expectations were higher that sex was likely if the female consumed alcohol.
Perception of Sexual Expectations According to Location of Date, if a Woman Drinks, and Gender of Participants
Dating can be a challenging endeavor. The complicated waters that men and women have to navigate in order …show more content…
Beliefs that sex is obligatory may be influenced by social norms that indicate that if the male pays for the date, he is “ ‘owed’ something for his contributions; similarly, a woman who has accepted his offerings may be perceived as ‘owing’ him something as well” (Basow & Minieri, 2010). Perceptions such as these can influence sexual coercion, as can the location of a date. It has been found that “men…rated rape as ‘more justifiable’ under some circumstances than others (e.g. went to their apartment versus a religious function)” (Haworth-Hoeppner, 1998). The schema that the man’s job during the date is to try and obtain sex, while the women is supposed to perfunctorily say “no” until such time as she gives in, has long been an underlying assumption when it comes to dating. This social perception can lead to sexual pressure and coercion. “The myth that women who consume alcohol are interested in engaging in sexual activity creates a social environment in which alcohol-related assault is viewed as acceptable because perpetrators, as well as society in general, erroneously believe that women are interested in engaging in sexual activity simply because they are consuming alcohol” (Young, McCabe, & Boyd, …show more content…
Ethnic demographics were composed of 7.7 percent Asian, 7.1 percent African-American, 63.2 percent Hispanic, and 12.3 percent non-Hispanic, .6 percent Pacific Islander and 8.4 not identified. This study was conducted by an upper-division level research class. Each class member gave a survey to five people. The survey described eight situations that participants read and answered questions on. The survey described a situation in which a heterosexual couple was on a date at either a bar or a restaurant. While on that date either the women paid or they split the check, and she either drank alcohol or a Diet Coke. After reading the vignette, participants were asked questions such as “what is the likelihood that James and Linda will engage in alcohol at the end of the date”. The factor of whether the man paid or they split the check was thrown out of the study in the interest of simplifying the statistical analysis for the students conducting the research