Sexism In Sports Essay

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Another place that sexism can be seen in is the Olympics.Furthermore into sports men are more praised than women. A study was shown “that men most often were described as “great” “strong” and “fastest”(Melton) but, women “were described most often using words not related to their ability in sports”(Melton). Also in ESPN they “only spend 2 percent of its broadcast time on women's sports”(Melton). In other words women are not as important in sports as men are. This connects to women being “gentle” or “emotional” to society and cannot do certain things such as sports. This proves that there sexism in most of everything that society watches. Even though that in the Olympics there are “opportunity for women’s sports to get as much attention as men’s sports on television in America”(Melton).
A sport issue that had sexism was a show called Aoharu x Kikanjuu also know in English as Aoharu x Machinegun. In this show a girl named Hotaru Tachibana that dresses as a boy to confront a guy that tricked her best friend.When
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When listening to music today some rap artist make raps discriminating women by calling the sluts, whores, or ugly. Though this is not affecting the girls in person but, this is teaching younger generations that it is okay to call any women those type of words. This also shows when women go to fulfill their music career in metal or hard rock the producers sometimes go for the hottest instead of a women with a good voice. Defining “women in body-shaming terms by excluding musicians who [do not] make the “hottest” cut… creates unnecessary competition among women that has nothing to do with their music they make”(Music). To put it another way if a singer makes music and do not have a so called hot body then they don't get to sing their own music. This implies that women need to be a certain body type to do anything with music. This suggest that females need to change how they look to make money or a

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