“Sexism is not something existing independently in English it exists within people’s minds.” Feminism has taken the last few years by storm. Not only has the movement gained popularity throughout social media but more and more women are participating in marches and rallies. Be that as it may after concluding “Sexism in English” the piece really transformed my outlook on feminism.” Sexism is a very real issue in not only our country but globally as well. Nilsen spent the opening paragraphs reminiscing about her time spent in Afghanistan, and some of the details she shared …show more content…
Personally, the idea of banning the word “retard” is incredulous. While the connotation behind the word could use, some serious revision banning the word itself wouldn’t fix how society views the word. I believe that banning the use of “retard” would lead to mentally disabled individuals feeling ashamed of their condition(s). In this instance, I agree wholeheartedly with Fairman: Change the connotation not the word