According to “the first major event in Robert Hansen's life occurred on December 7, 1960. As retribution for perceived abuses by the people of Pocahontas, Iowa, he burned down the school bus garage. Unfortunately for Hansen, a friend turned him in”. Hansen served 20 months out of his 3 year sentence in prison. Robert was still married at the time when he burned down the garage. The same year he got married and burned down the buss garage, his wife divorced him. Hansen’s wife did not want to continue the marriage and filed for divorce while he was incarcerated. After Hansen’s release he continued committing other criminal acts such as petty theft. According to, Robert was described as having an “infantile personality”. People noticed Hansen’s different behavior and way of thinking. In 1963 he married his second wife and moved to Anchoritic, Alaska. Robert mover to Alaska to make a new life and start a family. According Hansen “opened his own bakery and prospered in a new land, safely removed from the painful memories of childhood and adolescence. Hansen took flying lessons and purchased his own private plane, earning a reputation as an outdoors man and hunter who stalked Dahl sheep, wolves, and bear with a rifle or bow and arrow”. Hansen had a huge passion for hunting and stalking animals. He loved the trill of hunting and exerted personal power and joy. Robert …show more content…
The description of the airplane matched. An airport security then approached the police officers and Cindy. The security also gave a description of the man he had seen at the airport and gave them the car’s license plate. The car belonged to Robert Hansen. The investigators then went over to Hansen’s house for questioning., “He was co-operative, polite and did not demonstrate any characteristics that suggested his guilt, although he was strangely calm for someone falsely accused. Hansen gave a detailed account of his movements, claiming that his wife and family were away in Europe and that he had been with two friends, John Sumrall and John Henning, at the time he was accused of raping Cindy”. Robert gave consent to investigators in order to proceed with a search for his more, car, and airline. The description of the inside of the home, car, and airplane matched Cindy’s description. No evidence such as the actual gun, handcuffs, chains, and blindfold was found. This only proved Cindy had been in the house. The investigators then questioned the two friends Hansen was with. The stories of the two men where relevant to Hansen’s. Police officers were concerned if Cindy had been lying., “It was Cindy’s refusal to take a lie detector test that convinced William Dennis that she was lying, and he closed the case. Officer Greg Baker, the policeman who had taken