Robert “Bob” Hansen was born on February 13, 1939, in Estherville, Iowa to a Danish immigrant family. His father, Christian, was a baker by trade and operated his own bakery in their small town (Greig, 2012). In his youth, Robert was afflicted by a severe case of acne as well as a noticeable stutter when he spoke. He was skinny, soft spoken and shy; a perfect target for bullies (Clos, 1993). Hansen struggled to make normal friendships and was continually troubled by low self-esteem …show more content…
The warrants resulted in the discovery of numerous firearms including a Ruger Mini-14 semi-automatic rifle in .223 caliber, which matched the caliber of bullet found in at least one of the bodies. Also found was an FAA map of southcentral Alaska which had locations noted with “X” marks. At least one of these marks coincided with the known location of a body, that of an unidentified female who came to be known as “Eklutna Annie” (Clos, 1993). Investigators returned to the home a second time and after a more detailed search, discovered in a hidden portion of the attic a bag containing identification and jewelry belonging to several missing women as well as one of the bodies already …show more content…
Hansen was raised in what appears to have been a relatively stable home with both parents present. His father was described as domineering and their relationship dysfunctional (Wikipedia, 2016). While Hansen took an interest in hunting as a youth, there is no documented evidence of his involvement in animal cruelty per se. It is possible that he took greater pleasure in the killing of animals than is commonly known. Likewise none of the existing literature concerning Hansen documents enuresis being present. Hansen was convicted and jailed for an act of arson as a young adult. More obvious predispositional factors found in an examination of Hansen’s early life are his extremely low self-esteem amongst peers and females in particular; primarily as a result of his small stature, extreme acne and vocal