1. This patient is at risk for infection or developing sepsis due to being 10 days postop for an amputation.
Complete blood count measure how many white blood cells are circulating in the bloodstream. The normal lab values are 500-10000. Numbers larger than 10000 are indicative of infection.
Lactate acid test should be run although the patient is at 96% room air. Organs produce lactic acid when the body is not receiving enough oxygen. The prevention of sepsis is easier than the treatment of sepsis.
C-reactive protein is produced when there is an infection.
Blood culture should be done to identify what caused the infection to better treat it.
Prothrombin and partial thromboplastin time (PT and PTT), …show more content…
This test is helpful to rule out viral infection.
Septicyte measures specific septic related genes are activated (Sepsis alliance: Suspect sepsis saves lives website, 2017).
2. Treatment of sepsis should be early, aggressive, and involve several medications.
A broadband antibiotic should begin immediately or within six hours. Once the results of the specific bacteria return the doctor can switch to a different antibiotic.
Corticosteroids and insulin can be used to assist in maintaining stable blood sugar levels.
Painkillers and sedatives are given for pain (Mayo Clinic website, 2017).
3. Hispanic cultures tend to believe in the hot and cold balance. They have the belief that illnesses are caused by a disruption of the hot and cold balance. The Hispanic culture tends to eat a diet that will counteract a disease process. Infection is counteracted with foods such as fruits, fish, vegetables, and barley. Cuban Americans may seek out herbal treatment from an elder along with the use of Westernized medicines. Some in the Hispanic culture believe supernatural forces can cause illness. Mal de Ojo, or the evil eye, is caused by an individual being envious over another person’s child. Mal puesto is the use of witchcraft to cause another person disease. Both are supernatural ideologies that can only be cured by supernatural remedies. Medical staff must understand noncompliance may stem from the belief …show more content…
African Americans view doctors as the head of healthcare teams, whereas, Hispanics tend to have suspicions due to concerns about confidentiality. Westernized civilizations have a scientific approach to health and illness. They tend to gravitate or seek care from health practice that utilizes scientific methods. Germ theory is used to explain infections. Treatments involve following recommendations for prevention, early detection, screening for risk of problems, and immunizations. Hispanics may believe illness or health is God’s will. A disturbance in the hot and cold balance can cause illness. Some Hispanics believe in treating illnesses with the proper hot or cold foods to balance the system again. Infection is treated with cold foods such as fruit, fish, barley, and vegetables. A number of Hispanics believe supernatural forces cause illness and can only be cured by supernatural remedies (D’Amico & Barbarito,