Todd Beamer A hero is an individual who is admired for his or her qualities and accomplishments. Someone who is a hero is a selfless leader, and has a positive impact on society. Heros leave a legacy and are respected by others. The courageous achievements of Todd Beamer are heroic in many ways.…
Heroes are people who are above average people who go out of their way to help other people like veterans, men and women who risked their lives so that we could be able to do the things we enjoy in life. Even veterans were around in Ancient Greece. Even Odysseus was a veteran he fought in the trojan war 3000 years ago, and in other times fighting to get back home to his family. A perfect example of a veteran is odysseus from the Odyssey. He travels all around greece on his way from the trojan war.…
The Incredible Heroes Heroes are people who help other people on a regular basis. They have jobs of being heroes, but they enjoy their jobs of helping people around them. The heroes I am talking about don't have super powers but still help people and they are there for them. They do their jobs for free because they like their jobs. There is one common thing in every hero you think of, and that thing is a “NEED”.…
Hero: “a person admired for bravery, great deeds, or noble qualities” (“Hero”). Many heros arose and helped others throughout the American Revolutionary War. During the years of this war, 1775-1783, what it means to be a hero became clear. A hero wasn’t someone who was just nice; a hero was someone who is brave,confident, and strong. These people became heroes because of the magnificent things that they did for this country.…
What is a hero? People usually think of Superman, Batman or Captain America when ‘hero’ is brought up. But, are heroes people who fight criminals, or have supernatural powers? Take Darry Curtis as and example. Darry isn't like the stereotypical heroes- he’s not strong like Batman, or have supernatural powers like Superman, but he is selfless, loyal and caring.…
Helping people is only one example of their heroism but by going out of their way to help others,…
Heroes are people who stand up for what they believe in. A hero is someone who makes a significant impact in history. Most heroes believe that the world can always be changed for the better. Billie Jean King was considered a hero who proved to the world that women could compete just as well as men.…
Heroes are people who stand for what they believe in. A hero is someone who is selfless, thinks of others before themselves, and had made a significant impact in history. These individuals perform extraordinary deeds, and make sacrifices for others. Most heroes believe that the world can always change for the better. Welles Crowther saved many people in an extraordinary act of heroism.…
What is a hero, and what is their purpose? Their purpose is to do the right thing no matter what and a hero is “a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.” also they never give up. Like Babe Ruth said “You just can't beat the person who never gives up.” A hero doesn't stop what they are doing until they are all done.…
Throughout the years many people have been considered heroes. Whether it be a hero in a comic book or a hero that has done good for another person and changed someone's life. All heroes share one thing in common. They all hold a special spot in someone's heart and are looked up to for something good they have done. For example, many children and adults have looked towards Jessica cox and a hero, an inspiration to those with disabilities because of her work with Handicap International.…
A hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Andrew Carnegie is not a hero because he treated workers badly, used his money in wasteful ways, and wanted money for himself.…
Heroes are everywhere and always ready to help. A hero is strong, confident, brave, acts undaunted, and if needed, is willing to risk their life for someone else's life. Ponyboy is considered a hero. Johnny was also a hero, even though he killed someone. Bob was not a hero.…
A hero is someone who can save someone's life, society, or even the country. In addition,…
Hero; a person who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities. I was auspicious enough to have both, in one, from the day I was born. She is my grandma; my second mother. We talk everyday and she never fails to encourage me to do my best. She installed responsibility in me at a young age and I don’t always acknowledge her efforts, but one day I will appreciate it.…
What Makes A Hero? To many, a hero is defined as a person who is idealized for bravery, outstanding accomplishments, and or noble qualities. But in all reality, a hero is a person who puts others before themselves. A person that you can look up to as a role model is a hero.…